Myths About External Source Regenerative Biologics

Myths About External Source Regenerative Biologics

It’s not uncommon for new medical procedures and therapies to encounter resistance when they first emerge in the social sphere. Some initial skepticism is good. It helps us, as a society, proceed with caution to ensure safety. Luckily, we also have safeguards, strict regulations, and years of experimentation before procedures are fit for use on humans.

In addition to normal, rational skepticism, there are often persistent myths that cling to life, despite the fact that they just aren’t true. Some myths about external source regenerative biologics fall into this category.

The controversy surrounding stem cells, which are used in several forms of regenerative therapy, is perhaps the most stubborn of these myths. This is only due to the lack of information available to the public about stem cells, their use, and where they come from. This article will set the record straight in an effort to dispel those myths that may be keeping people from getting the help they deserve.

Myth 1: Stem Cells Come from Fetuses

By far, the biggest of regenerative biologics myths is the one about stem cells coming from aborted fetuses or embryos. In fact, the use of newly created embryonic stem cells was outlawed in the United States almost twenty years ago.

A lot has happened since then in the advancement of stem cell use, but not from the use of fetuses or embryos. Today, externally-sourced stem cells come from “products of conception” such as amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, Wharton’s jelly, and placental membrane.

Products of conception are commonly confused with embryonic stem cells, but in truth, they are completely different. They are donated by an informed, consenting adult during a scheduled c-section. Neither the mother nor the baby is at risk from any part of the donation process. Under normal circumstances, the products of conception would simply be discarded. There are no ethical concerns surrounding the donation of products of conception.

Myth 2: Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Cause Rejection

Another persistent myth is that one’s body can reject the stem cells derived from an external source. Of the 10,000 plus injections performed at R3’s Centers of Excellence, there has not been one case of rejection. The reason for this is that the DNA factors are removed from the stem cells before injection, thereby removing any possibility that the patient’s body will reject the cells.

Myth 3: All Stem Cells Die Before Injection

This myth bears a little more merit than the other ones, only because this can happen if the stem cells are not processed correctly. After all, who would want a stem cell injection that didn’t have any living stem cells in it!?

What happens is that stem cells derived from products of conception need to be processed in a lab regulated by the FDA. The problem is that some labs use too much radiation or preservatives while processing the donor material, and end up killing the live cells in the process. Luckily, R3 makes sure to use only the best, FDA-certified labs to prevent such things from happening. This is why they have such an excellent reputation and are leading the way in regenerative biologics.

Myth 4: Stem Cell Injections Need to be FDA Approved

This is another dangerous myth that could keep people from benefiting from externally sourced stem cell injections.

It’s true that the FDA does not approve stem cell injections. However, it is only because they don’t need to! Since regenerative therapy falls under the “biologics” category, the FDA regulates the field but doesn’t approve it. They couldn’t approve the injections even if they tried, due to the complicated laws and regulations governing different fields of medicine.

Since the biologics are not classified as “drugs”, they cannot at this point be “FDA Approved”. However, that may be changing over the next few years and will clear up a lot of public confusion.

The important takeaway here is that R3 follows FDA regulations, uses FDA-certified labs to ensure patient safety, and the highest quality therapy possible.

Myth 5: Platelet-Rich Plasma is a Form of Stem Cell Therapy

This is just a common myth that has surfaced in recent years. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an external source regenerative biologic, but it is not a stem cell therapy. The beneficial aspect of PRP is the growth factors present, which can help with musculoskeletal issues such as tendonitis, arthritis, and sports injuries.

PRP therapy is done by drawing blood from the patient and spinning that blood in a centrifuge to separate it into layers. The middle layer, which contains growth factors and white blood cells, is then injected into the patient’s joint or tendon to promote healing. It has also been effective in pain relief and hair loss treatment.

Information is Power

Having the correct information about anything— medical procedures especially— puts the power in your hands. Regenerative therapies are generally outpatient procedures and are quickly being recognized as legitimate alternatives to some types of surgery.

A few of the conditions they may possibly benefit from regenerative therapies include:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Autism
  • Migraines
  • Back Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Neurologic Conditions
  • Soft Tissue Conditions

For more information on the types of therapies available at R3’s Centers of Excellence, Click Here.

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