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Erectile Dysfunction


Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with erectile dysfunction. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .



What is It?

Erectile dysfunction (commonly abbreviated as ED, and sometimes referred to as impotence) can show up unexpectedly in times of stress and duress, or frequently manifest and cause problems in the patient’s sex life. Erectile dysfunction is the name given to the inability to engage in sexual intercourse, specifically due to the penis failing to have, keep, and maintain an erection firm or long enough for sex.


An erection is facilitated and maintained by blood flow to the penis, the balance and pressure of which determines the relative hardness or erectness of the penis. While experiencing ED, either sporadically or in a progressive and recurring manner, either the penile arteries or nerves that facilitate this actively block the blood flow or are harmed altogether. This results in trouble getting or keeping an erection and while erectile dysfunction and its symptoms differ from poor sex drive – it can affect the libido and desire to have sex itself.


Finding out what’s causing erectile dysfunction is a key component as the very nature of ED is chemical. Nerves from the brain, as well as the genitals, cause chemicals to release blood into the two erection chambers of the penis, the corpora cavernosa. The resulting blood pressure is responsible for getting the penis erect by causing it to expand and stiffen due to the spongy tissues of the chambers trapping the blood inside. Post-orgasm, the erection should come down due to the blood being released back into circulation via the penile veins when the tissues contract.


Occasional ED should not be a cause of concern, particularly when under duress or psychological pressure (either to perform or otherwise). Frequent and consistent ED, however, can be a sign of a bigger issue, including poor mental health (including psychological or emotional difficulties), relationship problems, or a host of physical disorders including cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or damage from excessive drug use, alcohol use, or even cancer.


Erectile dysfunction is the highest-reported sexual problem in males, with over 30 million men affected in the US, or at least 1 in 5. It can arise from either and any of the vascular, nervous, and endocrine systems.


In many cases, ED can simply start as a side-effect of certain medication. A list of examples of these that frequently contribute to ED are anti-depressants, antihistamines, appetite suppressants, blood pressure and ulcer medicines, diuretics, or even many common painkillers.


While ED has traditionally been linked with age, and the percentage of males with ED grows in proportion to it, it is not inevitable, and neither does aging cause ED. However, the fact remains that 30% of males above 70 are affected, while only 12% of men younger than 60 are.


The analysis of the leading cause of ED in younger men (particularly those under 40, reported to be 1 in 4) suggests it to be lifestyle choices; since an erection is so closely linked to blood flow in the penis, anything that affects blood pressure is also linked to potential erectile dysfunction due to reduced penile blood flow.


While infrequent ED is chalked up to emotional factors, progressive ED can also set in solely due to these factors that are able to “short-circuit” the entire sexual process, regardless of whether the ED started off from a physical problem. Psychological issues such as fear, guilt or anxiety about sexual performance and failure, low self-esteem, and anxiety and depression, have all been linked to both periodic and progressive ED.


The risk factors can start from emotional and mental problems in lifestyle and relationships, and extend to pre-existing medical conditions (diabetes or heart disease), obesity, smoking, illicit drug use or heavy drinking, complications from medical treatments, injuries, and medication.





The symptoms for erectile dysfunction are not hard to miss, particularly if they have lasted for more than a few weeks or around two months. Regular and recurring difficulty in maintaining interest in sexual activities or an erection during said sexual activities is the primary symptom of ED. This includes being unable to keep your penis rigid or stiff enough for sexual intercourse or finding that your erections do not last for as long as you would have come to expect them to.


Any of these symptoms is enough to consult a doctor, crucially so when compounded with another sexual issue such as anorgasmia or premature or delayed ejaculation.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis for erectile dysfunction begins with a physical test, including your doctor taking your medical history, and details of symptoms. Here it is important to be as open and honest as possible so as to leave out the possibility of something going undiagnosed or mistreated, and to accurately assess the need for advanced tests.


In cases where the risk is greater than usual or the symptoms have gone untreated for a long period that has worsened them, advanced tests are employed to gauge erectile function. A penile doppler is possible, as well as a nocturnal penile tumescence test, which stores data on nocturnal erections that can be tracked and analyzed to determine the functional health of the penis.


The essential physical and lab tests can include checking your blood pressure, penis, and testicles, as well as the health of your heart and lungs. Blood tests and urine samples can also be taken to measure testosterone and blood sugar. These tests are non-invasive, non-painful, and a small step necessary for treatment.

What are the treatment options available?

Erectile dysfunction can be treated in one or more of the three ways: therapy, drugs, and surgery. A combination of any methods is common, as well as changes in lifestyle such as quitting smoking or changing your diet and couples counseling.


Both the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction should be done with the help of a professional, and even alternative remedies and causes should be discussed with your primary healthcare physician before proceeding further. Complications are common as a result of mismanagement of penile health and can cause either side-effects or new problems altogether.


Surgery mostly involves penile implants or artery reconstruction and should only be considered as a last resort after completing a medication run. It is important to note that there are currently only four FDA-approved oral supplements for treating ED, and none of them should be taken without consulting with your doctor first, particularly for patients taking nitrates for heart diseases, who run the risk of a sudden drop in blood pressure by combining these.


These medications are Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra, recommended to be taken one to two hours before having sex. Natural herbs and supplements that show similar results over time include ginseng, L-arginine, and certain other herbal aphrodisiacs. In any case, consulting with your doctor beforehand is crucial.

Here are answers to many of the frequently asked questions we receive.


Arthritis can be classified into several types. Osteoarthritis is caused by the normal aging process of the body, or could be a result of injury.

Rheumatoid arthritis, the most common type of arthritis, happens due to autoimmune problems, wherein the body’s own immune system attacks healthy cells of the body. Infectious arthritis is caused by an infection to the joint. Patients with psoriasis may be affected by Psoriatic arthritis. Finally, excessive uric acid in the body can cause Gout, an arthritis that often starts at the toe.



What is it?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory form of arthritis. This disease causes chronic inflammation of the joints and can lead to deterioration of a variety of systems in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks the lining of the membrane around the joints known as the synovium, which causes inflammation that thickens the synovium and ultimately deforms the cartilage and bone of the joints.


How common is it and who is at risk?

An estimated one percent of the entire world population suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. As the case with osteoarthritis, women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Other groups at risk are people middle-aged or older as well as those suffering from obesity. Rheumatoid arthritis risk is inheritable, which may be accelerated by smoking or unknown environmental exposures.


What are the symptoms?

Signs of the disease include swollen, tender joints that may feel stiff, particularly in the mornings. Fever, fatigue, and loss of activity are also common symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to manifest initially in the smaller joints like those in the fingers and toes. Symptoms are exhibited in joints of other body parts as the disease spreads.


How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis begins with a physical test checking for redness, warmth, and swelling as well as the state of reflexes in the affected joints. Multiple blood tests are conducted as people with rheumatoid arthritis usually have elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rates and C-reactive protein levels. Additionally, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds are conducted to track the spread of the disease.


What are the treatment options available?

While no cure exists as of now, research has revealed that the symptoms may be controlled by early application of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Steroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed depending on the case. Exercises to retain joint flexibility also provide some relief. If medications fail to slow down the disease, doctors may recommend surgery to repair or replace joints or swollen tendons.



What is it?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory form of arthritis. This disease causes chronic inflammation of the joints and can lead to deterioration of a variety of systems in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks the lining of the membrane around the joints known as the synovium, which causes inflammation that thickens the synovium and ultimately deforms the cartilage and bone of the joints.


How common is it and who is at risk?

An estimated one percent of the entire world population suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. As the case with osteoarthritis, women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. Other groups at risk are people middle-aged or older as well as those suffering from obesity. Rheumatoid arthritis risk is inheritable, which may be accelerated by smoking or unknown environmental exposures.


What are the symptoms?

Signs of the disease include swollen, tender joints that may feel stiff, particularly in the mornings. Fever, fatigue, and loss of activity are also common symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to manifest initially in the smaller joints like those in the fingers and toes. Symptoms are exhibited in joints of other body parts as the disease spreads.


How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis begins with a physical test checking for redness, warmth, and swelling as well as the state of reflexes in the affected joints. Multiple blood tests are conducted as people with rheumatoid arthritis usually have elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rates and C-reactive protein levels. Additionally, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds are conducted to track the spread of the disease.


What are the treatment options available?

While no cure exists as of now, research has revealed that the symptoms may be controlled by early application of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Steroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed depending on the case. Exercises to retain joint flexibility also provide some relief. If medications fail to slow down the disease, doctors may recommend surgery to repair or replace joints or swollen tendons.


Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy

What is it?

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis within kids. It is characterized by persistent pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. The disease occurs when the body’s own tissues are attacked by its cells. In some cases, it can create more serious complications such as growth problems and eye inflammation.


How common is it and who is at risk?

It is the most common form of arthritis diagnosed in children under the age of sixteen. Certain gene mutations can make the body more vulnerable to the external environment, which can result in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis occurring. Although reasons are unknown, girls are more susceptible to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis than boys.


What are the symptoms?

Commonplace symptoms include joint pain or a limp caused by the pain, swelling of joints and stiffness of the joints that results in clumsiness by the child. In some cases, the disease can manifest as high fever and rashes.


How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis is difficult as the pain and swelling in the joints could be attributed to a number of diseases. Quite a few blood tests are conducted to determine the status of markers like erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein levels, and quantity of anti-nuclear bodies, among others. However, many children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis show no abnormalities in these tests.


What are the treatment options available?

The treatment for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis is geared towards making sure the child can maintain a regular level of physical activity. This can include different types of medication like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and swelling or disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in more severe cases. Biologic agents may be recommended to help prevent joint damage. Physical therapy can also help the child maintain a full range of motion with or without joint supports or splints based on the situation. Surgery is the most extreme option used to improve the position of the affected joint.

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*Outcomes will vary between individuals. No claims are being made with regenerative therapies. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. See our THERAPY COMMITMENT HERE.


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