New Hope for Osteoarthritis: Advanced Stem Cell Therapy
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Free Download: Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis

The information provided by R3 Stem Cell is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental at this point.


Any claims made on this website refer to procedures performed OUTSIDE of the USA. R3 Stem Cell has clinics in Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, India, Pakistan.

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Guide to Stem Cell and Exosome Therapy for Back Pain

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for arthritis pain relief. Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! In this guide, we’ll go through the basics of how stem cells work for osteoarthritis, the latest research, and what to expect with a regenerative procedure

Conventional treatments for arthritis are not able to regenerate and repair joint tissue significantly. They are very limited and mostly “band aids.” For example, steroid injections do not repair joint tissue at all, and actually contribute to more joint degeneration. 

Stem cell treatment for arthritis is turning out to be an excellent opportunity for individuals to achieve long lasting relief, improved function and to avoid the need for potentially risky surgery. Let’s dig in! 

Schedule your FREE consultation today by calling +1 (844) GET-STEM and discover how our innovative treatments can improve your quality of life! 

A Significant Global Issue

Worldwide, over 528 million individuals suffer with osteoarthritis pain, with the knee being the most common affected joint. The amount of people affected has increased by over 100% within the past twenty years and will increase by another 100% over the next twenty!

Interestingly, women (60%) are more commonly affected than men, with the majority of those affected being over age 55 (70%). Osteoarthritis can greatly reduce one’s quality of life. It makes movement painful and difficult, which can stop people from participating in home, work or social activities. This can lead to mental health impacts, trouble sleeping and problems in relationships. 

Guide to Stem Cell and Exosome Therapy for Osteoarthritis What happens during osteoarthritis development? Osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a common chronic degenerative joint disease, namely the degenerative injury of articular cartilage caused by multiple factors (e.g., aging, obesity, fatigue injury, trauma, joint congenital abnormalities, joint deformity, etc). 

Pathological changes largely include articular cartilage destruction, subchondral osteosclerosis and synovial hyperplasia. OA occurs primarily after middle age, and it is more widespread in women than in men. 

Age related ’wear and tear’, chondrocytes’ poor response to growth factors, altered biomechanical properties of articular cartilage, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and inflammation are all implicated in the pathogenesis of OA, highlighting the multifactorial and complex nature of this degenerative joint disease. 

Eventual decreases in the number of chondrocytes with age results in impaired production of extracellular matrix proteins. 

Our doctors at R3 Stem Cell clinic are equipped to address these challenges with advanced stem cell therapies.

Discover the Future of Joint Health: Schedule your free consultation with R3 Stem Cell today and explore personalized treatment options for osteoarthritis relief.

What are the reasons degenerative arthritis occurs?

 Call us at +1 (844) GET-STEM to start your journey toward improved mobility and reduced pain.

What are the reasons degenerative arthritis occurs?

The symptoms of osteoarthritis typically develop slowly and worsen over time. They often wax and wane, with chronic pain often causing debilitating quality of life for those affected. 

Traditional Treatments

Traditional treatments for osteoarthritis have not changed much over the past few decades. Understandably, this can be very frustrating for patients who are seeking nonoperative solutions for pain relief. Patients are typically offered the following: 

As you may have figured out, NONE of the traditional treatments actually help to create new cartilage in the joint. They are meant to simply suppress pain symptoms, like a band-aid. 


In fact, there are several studies now showing that cortisone injections actually accelerate joint degradation. A 2023 study in Cureus (Khan et al), showed that the effect of cortisone injections for knee arthritis were short term and actually hastened the patient’s need for total knee replacement! 

Schedule a FREE consultation to see how stem cell therapy can help manage your osteoarthritis symptoms effectively.

Stem Cell Treatment for OA

If a new technology such as mesenchymal stem cell and exosome therapy could improve the ability of osteoarthrits patients to avoid the need for potentially risky surgery, it would and should become first line therapy. Cortisone injections cause more harm than good, and quite a few insurance companies no longer pay for hyaluronic acid injections as the results are so conflicting. 


Cell-based therapy has been a promising option in OA because it is aimed at reversing the symptoms and pathophysiology of OA. The ability of MSCs to differentiate between multiple lineages including musculoskeletal tissue supports the use of MSCs as an excellent source for degenerative musculoskeletal conditions such as in OA. 



The therapeutic potential of MSCs in the treatment of OA is aimed at cartilage repair and restoration MSC-based therapy reduces inflammation, modulates the immune system and helps to alter the ratio of cartilage formation versus cartilage loss. 


MSCs are capable of significantly improving local microenvironmental, immune-regulation and anti-inflammatory biological activities through the secretion of exosomes, growth factors, cytokines, anti-inflammatory factors and other bioactive molecules, thereby gradually becoming the simplest and easiest method to treat OA. 

Stem cells and exosomes act in the body through several mechanisms. They do NOT become part of a patient’s DNA, which means they do not engraft into the person’s existing cells. 


They act through: 

MSCs can also release a huge variety of molecules into the extracellular environment. These molecules, which include extracellular vesicles, lipids, free nucleic acids, and soluble proteins, exert crucial roles in repairing damaged tissue. Along with offering MSCs for treatment of liver failure, R3 Stem Cell includes stem cell exosomes, which are a type of extracellular vesicle participating in extensive cell to cell communication for liver tissue repair and regeneration. 

Find Out if Stem Cell Treatment is Right for You: Call +1 (844) GET-STEM today and speak with our experts about your treatment options.

Where do the stem cells and exosomes come from?

R3 Stem Cell’s regenerative biologics originate from umbilical cord tissue that has been donated after a scheduled c-section. No baby (or mother) is harmed during the c-section procedure. The umbilical cord tissue is normally discarded, but if the mother passes screening test then the umbilical cord is immediately sent to the lab. 


The lab carefully processes the umbilical cord to generate large amounts of stem cells and exosomes that are of the highest quality possible. The lab team consists of multiple PhD’s working in ISO Certified, cGMP compliant clean rooms to ensure quality assurance that exceeds USA FDA standards. The proprietary production process combines the highest potency, safety and affordability for providers to confidently offer exosome procedures.

Millions of dollars have been invested into the pharmaceutical grade production of the biologics including first rate clean rooms, bioreactors, nano-particle tracking analyzers, cytometers, PCR, tangential flow machines and real time environmental monitoring. The quality assurance testing complies with screening and testing stan¬dards consistent with the American Association of Tissue Banks, cGMP standards, FDA regulations and the highest level of any regulatory agency globally. 

Are you suffering from osteoarthritis pain? R3 Stem Cell offers innovative stem cell therapy that could provide the relief you’re seeking. Contact us today at +1 (844) GET-STEM.

Is there research to back up stem cell and exosome therapy for osteoarthritis?

Yes there has been a lot of research performed on stem cells for osteoarthtisis! 


A recent 2021 study in Regenerative Medicine evaluated ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of expanded umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in knee osteoarthritis. The study showed impressive results. The researchers observed functional and pain improvement at 12 and 48 months (p < 0.0001), with statistically significant improvement on MRI scans at 12 months in cartilage loss, osteophytes, bone marrow lesions, effusion and synovitis (p < 0.01), and highly significant improvement in subchondral sclerosis (p < 0.0001). 

Their conclusion; “WJMSCs are safe and potentially effective in producing significant improvement in KOOS and MRI scores when administered intraarticularly in knee osteoarthritis cases under ultrasound guidance. 


In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 20 patients with symptomatic knee OA were randomly divided into two groups to receive intra-articular injection of either 50 million allogenic placenta derived MSCs or normal saline. 


Significant improvements were seen in quality of life, activity of daily living, sport/recreational activity and decreased OA symptoms in the MSC-injected group throughout the six month follow up. Chondral thickness was improved in about 10% of the total knee joint area in the intervention group at six months. The conclusion of the authoris was that “Single intraarticular allogenic placental MSC injection in knee OA is safe and can result in clinical improvements in 24 weeks follow-up.” 


A study of 36 patients was conducted in China comparing umbilical cord stem cells versus hyaluronic acid for knee arthritis treatment (Wang et al). Significant improvements were seen in the umbilical cord stem cell treated group for pain relief and functional improvements at both six months and one year! 


As a combination treatment, Mead and Mead injected a lyophilized mixture of amniotic membrane (AM) and umbilical cord (UC) particulate into 42 participant knees who scored either 3 or 4 on the Kellgren-Lawrence knee osteoarthritis scale. 

Participants were followed for 12 months, with 74% of patients rating their knee pain and function as “much improved” or “very much improved” at the final follow up. The study also noted that intraarticular injection of AM/ UC particulate is generally safe as there were no reported complications or adverse events aside from one case of knee swelling within 36 hours of injection. 


An observational study of 55 participants receiving cryopreserved human umbilical cord allograft injections for knee arthritis looked at pain, stiffness and functional recovery over a 90 day post-injection period. The Wharton’s Jelly used in the study was combined with sterile saline and 5% Dimethyl Sulfoxide (5%) cryoprotectant. The study was nonblinded, non-randomized and incorporated no control group.


Ultrasound guidance was utilized for injection accuracy. At the 90 day follow up, statistically significant improvements were noted in NPRS scores and WOMAC outcomes for Pain Relief, Stiffness and Physical Function. The NPRS showed an average 90 day pain decrease of 31.48%. No adverse events or adverse reactions were reported.


In a 2021 Case Report published in Pharmaceuticals, a 27 year old male was treated with a 2 mL nonexpanded umbilical cord-derived Wharton’s jelly (UCderived WJ) formulation. The individual had KL Grade II OA and a history of ACL reconstruction in the past.


During the 3 month follow up, No adverse or severe adverse effects from the injection were reported. No significant difference nor progression in OA via X-rays compared to baseline was observed. The NPRS displayed a 50% reduction in pain, while his SF-36 displayed a 25% improvement in overall health score. The overall KOOS score improved by 10%.


In their conclusion, the authors noted, “UC derived WJ has potential in mitigating the progression and the symptoms of OA. Larger long-term, non-randomized and randomized control trials are warranted to adequately assess the safety and efficacy of UCderived WJ and its ultimate clinical use.

Call R3 Stem Cell at +1 (844) GET-STEM to learn more about how stem cell and exosome therapy can help manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.

Stem Cell Derived Exosomes

R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence globally include umbilical cord stem cell derived exosomes with umbilical cord stem cells to provide enhanced results. Exosomes are lipid bound vesicles (acellular) produced by cells which contain a plethora of growth factors, cytokines, mRNA and other proteins.


They are exceptionally helpful in cell to cell communication, and very effective for reducing inflammation when they become ingested by their recipient cell. They act as shuttles to send nucleic acids and proteins to other cells, in this way, allowing cell-to-cell communication and transporting molecules among both close and distant cells. In general, these released proteins are important regulators of intracellular information. 

Exosomes could be the mediators of many stem cellassociated therapeutic activities. Considering they are 100 times smaller than stem cells, they do not have any issues passing through the lungs to reach the inflamed and painful joints. 

Call R3 Stem Cell at +1 (844) GET-STEM to learn more about how stem cell and exosome therapy can help manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.

Is stem cell therapy safe?

After a decade of performing over 24,000 stem cell procedures worldwide, R3 knows that the regenerative procedures are safe. The quality control employed during the stem cell production is second to none, and the side effects R3 sees are usually mild to moderate and temporary.


They may include itching, dizziness, lightheadedness, low grade fever, chills, headache, nausea. These are typically temporary. If a patient has an allergic reaction to the multivitamin or a preservative, all of R3’s Centers have the medications to resolve it quickly. 


One of the questions we get asked a lot is, “Will the stem cells get rejected?” The answer is NO.

MSCs do not express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens of the class II subtype and contain low levels of MHC molecules of the class I subtype. MSCs also lack the co-stimulatory molecules essential for immune detection, including CD40, CD80, and CD86. 

Therefore, MSCs generally have low immunogenicity and can avoid immune rejection by the recipient, which serves as the foundation for their successful application without needing to match the donor to the recipient. Scientists call this being “immunologically privileged”

Another question often asked is “Is there a chance of a tumor forming?” Once again the answer is NO. The mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes used during treatment have never been shown to have tumor forming potentials. In fact, they have been shown to be anti-tumor forming.

Treatment Protocol For the past decade, R3 has been successfully treating arthritis patients with stem cell and exosome injection therapy. The cells and exosomes are attracted to inflammation, which is a large component of inflammatory arthritis. 

R3’s providers use between 15 million stem cells up to 30 million per joint (depends on size of joint). R3 Stem Cell’s arthritis treatment protocol includes ultrasound guidance for accuracy, along with platelet rich plasma therapy to increase the effectiveness of the therapy. Safety is paramount with the biologics products being rigorously tested prior to use, and expert providers managing each treatment as if you are a family member!

Why does R3 Stem Cell use donor tissue for its stem cells?

Although autologous (your own) stem cells provide significant advantages, allogeneic (donor) stem cells have more advantages. First of all, autologous MSCs need a long time to culture and expand, which limits its application in treatment, while allogeneic stem cells can be obtained and expanded more quickly, thus avoiding the delay of time window. 


Second, age is a factor that affects the physiological characteristics of MSCs. Studies have shown that stem cells from elderly donors have decreased proliferation and differentiation ability. This means they are less in number and less effective!

What are the Outcomes?

Similar to the research mentioned above, R3 Stem Cell’s outcomes for arthritis patients have been exceptional! The patient satisfaction rate is 85% year over year. Patients typically see exceptional pain relief, increased range of motion, improved function and mobility.


It may take four to six weeks for the results to kick in, although we have had patients symptomatically feel much better within the first couple of weeks. It should be noted, again, that stem cell treatment does not eliminate arthritis, and may need to be repeated every one to four years.


Because stem cell treatment for arthritis is not a “one and done” cure, it’s important to make it affordable. Repeat therapies every few years can help people achieve continued pain relief and functional improvements. So a lot of arthritis patients seek additional treatments at R3 Stem Cell every one to four years. 

Unfortunately, stem cell clinics in Colombia, China and Panama charge over $15,000 USD for arthritis treatment. Because the one treatment cost so much, how are individuals supposed to budget for that every few years?? R3 Stem Cell’s fees are less than half that for full treatment, which also includes free PRP and a multivitamin infusion! 

R3’s Experience

For the past decade, R3 Stem Cell’s Centers globally have performed over 24,000 regenerative procedures in six countries. Approximately half have been for arthritis. Patient satisfaction across all conditions treated is 85%!


R3 combines safety, effectiveness and affordability for the therapies. Internationally, the Intellicell is used, which is culturing the most active mesenchymal stem cells to create the “smartest” stem cell in the world! 


Our experience with arthritis patients has been extensive, and our Success Stories on R3’s YouTube Channel are impressive. You can visit the channel Success Story Playlist HERE.


R3 Stem Cell offers free consultations for individuals to discuss whether regenerative therapy is indicated for your arthritis pain relief.

Experience the benefits of stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis with R3 Stem Cell. Schedule your FREE consultation today by calling +1 (844) GET-STEM.


No portion of this document may be reproduced without the Express Written Consent of R3 Stem Cell. This guide’s education does not constitute medical advice. The USA FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. Any claims made in the Guide refer to procedures performed outside the USA. 


  1. World Health Organization, Osteoarthritis,, accessed April 14, 2024. 


  1. Application of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: A concise review, Wang et al, World J Stem Cells. 2019 Apr 26; 11(4): 222–235. 


  1. Ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of expanded umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in knee osteoarthritis: a safety/efficacy study with MRI data, Samara et al, Regen.Med. (2022) 17(5), 299–312. 


  1. Olivia G Mead & Leon P Mead (2020) Intra-Articular Injection of Amniotic Membrane and Umbilical Cord Particulate for the Management of Moderate to Severe Knee Osteoarthritis, Orthopedic Research and Reviews, 161-170, DOI: 10.2147/ORR.S272980.


  1. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Cryopreserved Human Umbilical Cord Tissue Allografts to Augment Functional and Pain Outcome Measures in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: An Observational Data Collection Study, Davis et al, Physiologia 2022, 2, 109–120. https://doi. org/10.3390/physiologia2030010. 


  1. Safety and efficacy of allogenic placental mesenchymal stem cells for treating knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study, Soltani et al, Cytotherapy, 2019 Jan;21(1):54-63. 



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*Outcomes will vary between individuals. No claims are being made with regenerative therapies. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. See our THERAPY COMMITMENT HERE.


Learn everything you need to know about the ever expanding field of regenerative medicine in this 8 part series that includes over four hours of entertaining content!



R3 Stem Cell International includes 45 clinics in 7 countries. These Centers of Excellence treat all types of conditions with safe, effective protocols by expert stem cell physicians.



R3 Stem Cell offers a no cost consultation to see if you or a loved one is a candidate for regenerative cell therapies including cytokines, growth factors, exosomes, and stem cells.



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Disclaimer: The city links above provide general information on stem cell treatment. To find an R3 Stem Cell clinic near you click here

The USA stem cell leader offers procedures in

7 Countries including: