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New Hope for ALS: Advanced Stem Cell Therapy
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Free Download: Stem Cell Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
The information provided by R3 Stem Cell is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental at this point.
Any claims made on this website refer to procedures performed OUTSIDE of the USA. R3 Stem Cell has clinics in Mexico, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, India, Pakistan.
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Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! In this guide, we’ll go through the basics of how ALS stem cell treatment works, the latest research, and what to expect with a regenerative procedure.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative condition characterized by selective degeneration of both upper motor neurons (MNs) in the motor cortex, and lower motor neurons in the brainstem and ventral horn of the spinal cord.
The incidence of ALS ranges from 1 to 4 cases per 100,000, although some subpopulations exhibit above average incidence. The majority of ALS cases are of unknown etiology and sporadic in nature (90–95%) with no genetic association.
The disease typically manifests during the sixth to seventh decade of life leading to progressive muscle atrophy, weakness and paralysis. Affected individuals usually die within 2 to 5 years after diagnosis due to respiratory failure. ALS manifests as an insidious, inexorable decline in motor function, with progressively compromised strength, coordination, gait, and respiratory function, leading to death within an average of 3–5 years from diagnosis.
Experience the potential of stem cell treatment for ALS at R3 Stem Cell. Call +1 (844) GET-STEM today to schedule your FREE consultation and explore innovative treatment options with our expert doctors and specialists.
ALS is mainly sporadic in origin (SALS) but a family history of the disorder can be found in 10% of cases. Hereditary forms of the disease (familial ALS or FALS), are predominantly autosomal dominant and rarely X-linked or recessive.
The origins of ALS, particularly in the more common sporadic cases, continue to be a medical mystery. Hypoxia may induce an inflammatory response in the brain, diminishing the motor neurons’ viability. The specific molecular mechanisms underlying the disease pathology are not fully understood and neuroprotective treatment options are minimally effective.
Stem cell therapy for ALS enters this scene armed with the full armamentarium of cellular processes (neurotransmitter uptake, synapse formation, inflammatory signaling, neurotrophic factor signaling, etc.) that can ameliorate toxic environments in a multifactorial fashion.
To date, only 3 drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): riluzole, edaravone, and AMX0035 (Relyvrio). However, they have modest therapeutic effects. For instance, riluzole on average only extends the lifespan of an ALS patient by three months!
Truly, additional treatments are needed to help improve patient quality of life and also lifespan.
Experience the power of advanced stem cell treatment at R3 Stem Cell. Call +1 (844) GET-STEM today to schedule your FREE consultation and explore our innovative, umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatments provided at our world class clinics.
If a new technology such as mesenchymal stem cell and exosome therapy could provide significant improvement for those with ALS, it would and should become first line therapy. A regenerative therapy that can reduce motor neuron death, improve quality of life and significantly enhance lifespan should be tried.
Given the multifaceted nature of ALS stem cell therapy has recently become an attractive option. Initially proposed as a means for motor neuron replacement, stem cell treatment may actually provide a number of benefits by modulating the local microenvironment to facilitate native motor neuron survival.
There have been several advancements using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), all of which rely on using the stem cells to stimulate the survival of existing motor neurons rather than motor neuron replacement itself. Cell therapy focused on replacing injured cells and differentiation into motor neurons is challenging. Therefore, a therapeutic strategy using MSCs should be focused away from neuronal replacement or reconstruction and toward creating an anti-inflammatory microenvironment.
Mesenchymal stem cells have been used to generate immunomodulatory cells, growth factor releasing cells, functional support cells such as glia, or GABAergic interneurons to modify motor neuron survival and activity. Besides direct effects, such as the release of neurotrophic factors and the stimulation of intrinsic neurogenesis, intrathecally administered MSCs have diverse immune inflammatory modulatory efficacy that can regulate the onset and progression of ALS by potentiating regulatory T cells and anti-inflammatory microglia in the CNS environment.
A recent 2020 case-control study involved 67 patients treated with Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSC). The treated patients were paired with 67 reference patients and were fully matched in terms of race, sex, onset of symptoms (bulbar/spinal), disease stage at the beginning of therapy and ALS medications.
All patients received three intrathecal injections of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells every two months at a dose of 30 million mesenchymal stem cells. Patients were assessed using the ALSFRS-R scale.
The median survival time increased two-fold in all groups. No serious adverse drug reactions were observed. In the entire study population, the risk of death was decreased in patients treated with MSCs versus the paired control group by 70%, p = 0.0004). Median overall survival was almost twice longer in MSC patients than in the reference group (1183 days vs. 640 days, p = 0.002).
This study yielded highly encouraging results when it comes to WJ-MSC administration in all ALS subgroups distinguished based on demographic and clinical factors. This ground-breaking research indicated that the female sex and a positive clinical response (decreased progression rate) to the first MSC administration when compared to the strictly matched reference patient is a significant predictor for overall efficacy of the treatment.
In 2010, a Phase I/II open-safety clinical trial by Karussis and colleagues at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel showed that intrathecal and intravenous administration of autologous bone marrow- derived MSCs into ALS patients was feasible and safe. In this study, patients with ALS or multiple sclerosis were treated either via a standard lumbar puncture 60 million MSCs) or intravenously (24 million MSCs for both ALS and MS patients).
While the definitive survival of injected cells was not shown, this treatment induced immediate immunomodulatory effects and was deemed safe. Although this study was not designed to detect therapeutic efficacy of this treatment, encouragingly, ALS patient ALSFRS scores remained stable for up to 6 months following the stem cell treatment.
In a 2021 case report published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, a 46-year old man noticed weakness of his legs, difficulties on going down the stairs and coughing during eating. After a complete workup, a diagnosis of ALS was confirmed.
His ALS Functional Rating Scale-R (ALSFS-R) was 43. Symptoms rapidly progressed and he coughed and choked during eating. Starting in 2013, the patient received a total of six intravenous infusions of mesenchymal stem cells. The number of mesenchymal stem cell administrations in each time were 38 million, 42 million, 17 million, 59 million, 43 million and 52 million.
Soon after administration, he noticed that he did not cough during conversation or eating food. Although he had difficulty in walking down the stairs, he remained well without coughing, trouble speaking or swallowing. His ALSFS-R increased up to 45.
The patient was well for 7 years after the ALS mesenchymal stem cell treatment and more than 10 years from the time of onset. The authors noted that the case suggested that mesenchymal stem cells can be administered safely and may be potentially useful in patients with ALS.
The significance of this case is huge, because ALS is an incurable disease that usually leads to death in about 3 to 5 years. However, the case study patient remained well for more than 10 years from the first diagnosis.
In R3’s experience, 75% of patients with ALS achieve success with stem cell and exosome therapy. It’s an exciting option for patients!
Ready to explore affordable, effective ALS treatment options? Call R3 Stem Cell at +1 (844) GET-STEM for a FREE consultation with our expert doctors and learn about our innovative stem cell treatment for ALS.
Stem cells and exosomes act in the body through several mechanisms. They do NOT become part of a patient’s DNA, which means they do not engraft into the person’s existing cells. The predominant method of action is thought to be through paracrine mechanisms, which means “cell to cell” interaction
They act through:
Ready to explore affordable, effective ALS stem cell therapy options? Call R3 Stem Cell at +1 (844) GET-STEM GET-STEM for a FREE consultation.
R3 Stem Cell’s regenerative biologics originate from umbilical cord tissue that has been donated after a scheduled c-section. No baby (or mother) is harmed during the c-section procedure. The umbilical cord tissue is normally discarded, but if the mother passes screening tests then the umbilical cord is immediately sent to the lab. The screening tests are extremely rigorous, and mandated by the USA FDA.
The lab carefully processes the umbilical cord to generate large amounts of stem cells and exosomes that are of the highest quality possible. The lab team consists of multiple PhD’s working in ISO Certified, cGMP compliant clean rooms to ensure quality assurance that exceeds USA FDA standards. The proprietary production process combines the highest potency, safety and affordability for providers to confidently offer exosome procedures.
Millions of dollars have been invested into the pharmaceutical grade production of the biologics including first rate clean rooms, bioreactors, nano-particle tracking analyzers, cytometers, PCR, tangential flow machines and real time environmental monitoring. The quality assurance testing complies with screening and testing standards consistent with the American Association of Tissue Banks, cGMP standards, FDA regulations and the highest level of any regulatory agency globally
R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence globally include umbilical cord stem cell derived exosomes with umbilical cord stem cells to provide enhanced results. Exosomes are lipid bound vesicles (acellular) produced by cells which contain a plethora of growth factors, cytokines, mRNA and other proteins.
They are exceptionally helpful in cell to cell communication, and very effective for reducing inflammation when they become ingested by their recipient cell. They act as shuttles to send nucleic acids and proteins to other cells, in this way, allowing cell-to-cell communication and transporting molecules among both close and distant cells. In general, these released proteins are important regulators of intracellular information.
Exosomes could be the mediators of many stem cell associated therapeutic activities. We have seen them to be “faster acting” than stem cells, so R3 frequently uses them in conjunction to provide a “1-2 punch” for patient outcomes.
R3 Stem Cell offers FREE consultations for individuals to discuss whether regenerative therapy is an ideal option for their ALS. Simply call +1 (844) GET-STEM to schedule yours!
After a decade of performing over 25,000 stem cell procedures worldwide, R3 knows that the regenerative procedures are safe. The quality control employed during the stem cell production is second to none, and the side effects R3 sees are usually mild to moderate and temporary.
They may include itching, dizziness, lightheadedness, low grade fever, chills, headache, nausea. These are typically temporary. If a patient has an allergic reaction to the multivitamin or a preservative, all of R3’s Centers have the medications to resolve it quickly.
One of the questions we get asked a lot is, “Will the stem cells get rejected?” The answer is NO.
MSCs do not express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens of the class II subtype and contain low levels of MHC molecules of the class I subtype. MSCs also lack the co-stimulatory molecules essential for immune detection, including CD40, CD80, and CD86.
Therefore, MSCs generally have low immunogenicity and can avoid immune rejection by the recipient, which serves as the foundation for their successful application without needing to match the donor to the recipient. Scientists call this being “immunologically privileged”.
Another question often asked is “Is there a chance of a tumor forming?” Current research has concluded that the answer is NO. The mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes used during treatment have never been shown to have tumor forming potentials. In fact, they have been shown to be anti-tumor forming.
For the past decade, R3 has been successfully treating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with stem cell and exosome procedures. The procedure is performed as a combination of intravenous stem cells and exosomes along with intrathecal application.
R3’s providers use approximately two to three million stem cells per kilogram and 100 billion exosomes for the procedure.
Similar to the research mentioned above, R3’s ALS stem cell treatment outcomes have been very good! The patient satisfaction rate for ALS is 75%, with patients typically experiencing stoppage of the disease progression for a period of time. Keep in mind results cannot be guaranteed and will vary between individuals.
It may take a few months to see improvements, as it can take that long to build up new blood flow. It should be noted, again, that stem cell therapy is not a cure for ALS, and will need to be repeated every 6-12 months or so for continued benefit.
Because stem cell therapy for ALS is not a permanent cure, it’s important to make it affordable. Repeat therapies can help maintenance and/or achieve additional improvements for ALS. So a lot of patients seek additional treatments at R3 Stem Cell every six to twelve months.
R3 Stem Cell’s fees are less than half what comparable (and reputable) regenerative clinics charge.
For the past decade, R3 Stem Cell’s Centers globally have performed over 24,000 regenerative procedures in six countries. Several hundred have been for ALS
R3 combines safety, effectiveness and affordability for the therapies. Internationally, the Intellicell is used, which is culturing the most active mesenchymal stem cells to create the “smartest” stem cell in the world!
R3 Stem Cell offers free consultations for individuals to discuss whether stem cell therapy and treatment for ALS is a good fit for them. Simply call +1 (844) GET-STEM to schedule yours!
Disclaimer: No portion of this Document may be reproduced without the Express Written Consent of R3 Stem Cell. Disclaimer: This guide’s education does not constitute medical advice. The USA FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. Any claims made in the Guide refer to procedures performed outside the USA.
Here are answers to many of the frequently asked questions we receive.
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*Outcomes will vary between individuals. No claims are being made with regenerative therapies. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental. See our THERAPY COMMITMENT HERE.
Learn everything you need to know about the ever expanding field of regenerative medicine in this 8 part series that includes over four hours of entertaining content!
R3 Stem Cell International includes 45 clinics in 7 countries. These Centers of Excellence treat all types of conditions with safe, effective protocols by expert stem cell physicians.
R3 Stem Cell offers a no cost consultation to see if you or a loved one is a candidate for regenerative cell therapies including cytokines, growth factors, exosomes, and stem cells.
The R3 Partnership Program offers providers an all-in-one regenerative practice program including marketing, consultations and booked procedures!
The information provided by R3 Stem Cell is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual results may vary and only your medical professional can explain all the risks and potential benefits of any therapy based on your circumstances. R3 Stem Cell does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Reliance on any information provided by R3 Stem Cell, its employees, others appearing on this website at the invitation of R3 Stem Cell, or other visitors to the website is solely at your own risk. R3 Stem Cell is not responsible for the outcome of your procedure. The FDA considers stem cell therapy experimental at this point.
Disclaimer: The city links above provide general information on stem cell treatment. To find an R3 Stem Cell clinic near you click here
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