Benefits of Products of Conception

Benefits of Products of Conception

Stem cell therapy has become a popular topic of discussion among both people in and out of the medical field. There is lots of talk about the magical properties they possess, their healing capabilities, and their low-risk nature. While stem cell therapy has come a long way and does provide a lot of hope for people suffering from a wide range of ailments, stem cells are not the only biologics with special healing powers. In fact, the products of conception from which stem cells are taken also have special healing powers.

Products of conception refer to biologics involved in the birth of a child. This includes the umbilical cord, umbilical cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly, placental membrane, and amniotic fluid. Previously, these products of conception were discarded as “medical waste” after the birth of a child. It was not until recently that the true value of these products as healing biologics was recognized. Products of conception have regenerative abilities that are highly sought after in today’s day and age. 

Products of conception are regenerative materials taken from amniotic and umbilical tissue. They can prevent infection, promote growth, and regenerate damaged tissue during fetal development. The abilities of these products during fetal development can very closely translate over to their abilities in adults. One of the reasons these products of conception are beneficial to adults is because of their high numbers of stem cells, concentrations of growth factors, high numbers of cytokines, and the presence of exosomes, microsomes, secretomes, and mRNA.

Used in conjunction with stem cells, these products of conception can help to make stem cells that much more powerful. These products are acquired during a planned c-section of a woman who is 35 years of age or younger. The donor is well-informed and fully consents to the procedure. Acquiring the products do not harm the mother or baby, as they are typically discarded as medical waste if they are not harvested. There are no ethical issues with using products of conception for regenerative purposes because they do not contain any embryonic stem cells, nor do they come from aborted fetuses.

Products of conception are uniquely beneficial because they signal the body to “get to work” repairing itself. In other words, they get the body in a prime state to begin the regenerative process. Stem cells that are injected with these products of conception are more effective than if they were injected alone. Researchers are not exactly sure why this is, but they have seen the benefit of these products of conception on multiple patients.

Scientists have just tapped the tip of the iceberg when it comes to regenerative medicine. While there has been so much discovered, there is still so much left to learn. For the longest time, scientists thought stem cells were the holy grail of regenerative medicine. While they are highly effective and provide hope for patients, recent research on products of conception show there is a whole world of regenerative products we are just beginning to truly understand. 

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