Autoimmune Disease Patients Benefit From Stem Cell Therapy

Autoimmune Disease Patients Benefit From Stem Cell Therapy

Autoimmune diseases have risen in popularity in recent years. They occur when the body’s immune system malfunctions and attacks healthy cells instead of sick ones. Treating autoimmune diseases can be extremely difficult. Most treatments are aimed at reducing the immune system. However, that comes with a host of other problems such as leaving the patient immunocompromised.

In other cases, treatment may focus primarily on the symptoms, but not on the underlying cause of those symptoms. Fortunately, as medicine has advanced, stem cell therapy has proven to be a positive way to help autoimmune disease patients.

Autoimmune diseases are very difficult to treat because doctors still do not know what causes them. Some of the more common autoimmune diseases include type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and irritable bowel syndrome. While symptoms vary from disease to disease and person to person, autoimmune diseases do have a few common symptoms.

These include fatigue, skin rashes, swelling and redness, and low-grade fever. However, these symptoms are also common in other diseases which can make autoimmune diseases particularly difficult to diagnose.

Unfortunately, autoimmune diseases are incurable. However, some treatments that exist can help patients to have a better quality of life. One of these treatments is stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy is an effective therapy for autoimmune diseases because it aims to address the underlying problem: an overactive immune system.

When stem cells are injected into a patient with an autoimmune disease, they flock to immune system cells and help repair or regenerate new ones that function properly. In addition, if the body has undergone any damage as a result of an overactive immune system, such as damaged joints, stem cells can help repair and regenerate this damaged tissue.

Stem cell therapy is superior to other forms of treatment because not only does it work, but it addresses the underlying problem and comes with very little risk to the patient. Many patients go months or years before obtaining an accurate diagnosis. And, afterward, they may go even more months or years before finding an adequate treatment plan. After an autoimmune diagnosis has been made, stem cell therapy is a viable plan for patients who are suffering from a wide variety of autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune disease can be very difficult to deal with. In many cases, patients reach a point of hopelessness because there is no cure and they cannot find an adequate treatment plan. In addition, the treatments that do exist often leave the patient immunocompromised which means they are susceptible to other diseases and have a greatly diminished quality of life. Stem cell therapy can help patients’ conditions improve without leaving them immunocompromised.

In addition, it comes with very little risks and will improve their quality of life overall. Stem cell therapy is a revolutionary discovery in the field of autoimmune diseases. If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, or think you may have one, be sure to consider stem cell therapy before moving onto other treatment plans.

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