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Stem Cell Treatment in Detroit

Stem Cell Treatment in Detroit

Stem Cell Treatment in Detroit

Regenerative medicine with the use of stem cells to facilitate the healing process of the body by itself is fast becoming a trend in medicine. Having several benefits over the use of traditional treatment such as its minimal invasiveness and low cost/risk, Stem cell therapy can be used to regenerate dysfunctional tissues, neuron, and organs in the body.


The Stem cell therapy is one of the regenerative medicines for the treatment of conditions that may be caused by an injury, disease, or the inability of existing stem cells to facilitate healing. This is a product that has been acquired, tested, and processed under suitable conditions to meet the standards set by the FDA. Therefore, our patients can expect the best results while using the highest quality regenerative medicine.


Other than the Stem cell product, we have clinical centers in different regions in the US to offer Stem cell treatment. These centers have cutting-edge technologies to meet the ever-changing trends in technology and treatment is only offered by certified doctors. Our aim is to ensure that patients get a high-quality product that is safe for use with more successful outcomes.


When it comes to our regenerative procedure, stem cells are either derived from donors or the patient’s body in regions where there is a high amount of Mesenchymal Stem cells. In both cases, a completion of a procedure facilitates healing that will help patients recover speedily. Moreover, this is a one-time procedure that is completed within a few minutes or hours,


What is Stem Cell Therapy?

A Stem cell therapy takes advantage of the fact that Stem cells in the body aid in the repair of diseased or dysfunctional cells, tissues or organs. This therapy is used to transplant stem cells in a patient’s body because the existing ones may be unable to aid in the repair of tissues quickly. As a consequence, injury, conditions, and diseases can be treated after a transplant.


What conditions Benefit From Their Use?

With the use of the R3 regenerative medicine, conditions that have been labeled ‘hard to treat” are treatable. This includes diseases, neurological, cardiac, and cosmetic conditions that may sometimes require surgery to facilitate healing. A breakdown of these conditions is given below:



  • Bursitis
  • Fractures
  • Tendonitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cartilage defects
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Golfer’s or tennis elbow
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • SI Joint inflammation or arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis



  • Autism
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Occipital neuralgia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Post-stroke rehabilitation
  • Peripheral & diabetic neuropathy



  • COPD
  • Hepatitis
  • Fatty liver
  • Liver insufficiency
  • Child-Pugh A and B
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 & 2



  • Facelift
  • Hair restoration
  • Breast augmentation
  • Erectile dysfunction



  • Refractory angina
  • Ischemic cardiomyopathy



Am I a Good Candidate For Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem Cell treatment is usually recommended for the treatment of diseases because stem cells can repair tissues and reverse disease. On the other hand, it is better not to assume that you need a stem cell therapy even if you’re suffering from one of these conditions but to get recommendations from a doctor. In that case, please consult or make a free appointment with one of our certified doctors here.


How is the R3 Stem Cell Therapy Carried Out?

By injection or IV infusion, stem cells can be transplanted in patients. Our stem cell therapy is an in office or outpatient procedure that is completed within a single day without patient harvesting or a downtime. Thus, your treatment can be completed within a short period of time and you can feel relieved quickly.

Are all Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Products the Same?

No, all of these products are not the same. Although they may be obtained from healthy donors over the age of 35, the conditions used to process them may vary. That is to say, some Stem cell products may have been processed under a significant amount of radiation and preservatives while some like the Stem cell used in our clinics are not in order not to kill cells.


You can get a Stem Cell treatment in Detroit which is just one of several R3 Stem Cell Centers in the US. Equipped with cutting-edge technologies, this medical center has provisions to meet all your needs and ensure you get the best treatment. Moreover, if there is a procedure that is not being carried out such as one for dementia or autism, our concierge service can help your travel needs to a center that does.


As a minimally invasive regenerative procedure, a few minutes to some hours are enough to complete your onetime treatment. That being the case, you don’t have to leave your work to receive treatment since there is no downtime. Now, to get more information about the R3 Stem Cell treatment, please check here or Visit us at  and call us at (844) GET-STEM for more information on our stem cell treatment.

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