Stem Cell Injection Therapy — Fact or Fiction?

Stem Cell Injection Therapy — Fact or Fiction?

There have been a lot of conflicting stories about the use of stem cells in regenerative therapy in recent years. The truth has become shrouded in sensationalism and misinformation. This article addresses some of the major questions about stem cell therapy in order to clear the air. Only with the right information can you make an accurate decision about any procedure, no matter how big or small.

Using Stem Cells from Products of Conception are Unethical.

Fiction. Stem cells obtained from external sources such as “products of conception” pose no ethical dilemma. These include:

  • Amniotic fluid
  • Placental membrane
  • Umbilical cord tissue
  • Umbilical cord blood
  • Wharton’s jelly.

These products of conception are donated by a consenting adult undergoing a planned c-section procedure. If the products of conception are not being donated they are simply discarded after the procedure. The donation poses no threat to either the mother or the baby.

Stem Cells Come from Fetuses

Fiction. Stem cells used in R3’s injection therapy do NOT come from fetuses. In fact, it’s illegal in the U.S. to use embryonic stem cells. R3’s donation process is no danger to either mother or baby. There is no cloning involved, and from start to finish, the whole process adheres to strict FDA regulations.

Stem Cell Use is Unnatural.

Fiction. We all have stem cells, but the older we get the less effective and numerous they become. The reason why umbilical and amniotic stem cells have such potential for regenerative purposes is that they are fresh and numerous. They’re able to kind of jumpstart your healing process and kick your body into gear.

Harvesting Stem Cells from Bone Marrow Can Have Adverse Effects.

Fact. The procedures required to harvest stem cells from bone marrow have been known to leave some patients in pain for up to six months. There are other potential issues as well, such as nerve or arterial injury.

This is why products of conception have been found to be the better option. There is no harvest, plus the tissues from products of conception have a much higher number of regenerative cells than those from bone marrow. This is simply because as we age our regenerative cell count decreases. Those over fifty should consider an alternative option to bone marrow because of this.

One Form of Stem Cell Harvesting Requires Liposuction.

Fact. This harvesting technique is called adipose and does require miniature liposuction from the abdomen or buttocks. There are two issues with this option. The first is that many people simply don’t have enough adipose tissue for the liposuction procedure. The other issue is that around 80% of those stem cells harvested through this liposuction procedure die as soon as they are transferred to another part of the body. This is another reason why stem cells from products of conception are preferable.

Products of Conception can be Rejected if not Compatible.

Fiction. Many people ask about the possibility of rejection when considering external stem cell therapy. The fact of the matter is that this is simply not an issue to date. All of the red blood cells are removed during processing, thereby removing the DNA and chance of rejection.

There is Very Low Risk Associated With Stem Cell Injection Therapy.

Fact. For amniotic and umbilical tissue, the risk of complication is incredibly low. The biggest risk involved is that the injection simply won’t work. But, unlike a surgical procedure, you will not have burned any bridges with implanted devices.

Stem Cell Injection is not Approved by the FDA.

Fact. This is true. Currently, the FDA categorizes biologics in a separate category than drugs. Those biologics, which include the regenerative material, are heavily regulated by the FDA in order to ensure patient and donor safety.

Professional Athletes use Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy.

Fact. Many professional athletes have been in the news in recent years for this very reason. For some injuries, stem cell injection therapy is a preferable alternative to surgery. This is why many athletes who are looking for quick recovery time have gone with these regenerative therapy techniques.


These are just a few of the common misconceptions about stem cell therapy. For more information or to talk to one of our representatives, click here. Stem cell therapy has a bright future in medicine. At R3, our Centers of Excellence have performed over 10,000 procedures in a six-year period. Visit our YouTube Channel for more information and some helpful videos about regenerative therapy.

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