Read This Before Considering Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy

Read This Before Considering Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapy

There are ISSUES with Bone Marrow Stem Cell Procedures

It’s important before undergoing a bone marrow stem cell therapy procedure that you truly understand a few facts. First of all, it should be obvious that the procedure involves you being the donor of the bone marrow. The provider will harvest the bone marrow from your pelvis. While the risk of infection is small and there is no risk of rejection, those are not advantages compared with other types of stem cell treatment. For instance, amniotic and umbilical cord tissue don’t cause rejection either, and the risk of infection is minimal.

Bone Marrow Procedures OFTEN Cause Chronic Pain

The first consideration with this is that the needle used for the harvest is fairly large and it is going through an extremely sensitive area. The covering of your pelvis has a ton of nerve endings and may hurt significantly with the procedure. In fact, several studies have shown up to a 40% incidence of chronic pain after a bone marrow harvesting. Can you imagine having successful knee pain relief only to trade it for pain in your hip area chronically?

The Amount of Stem Cells in Your Bone Marrow is a PROBLEM

The biggest concern with using bone marrow for stem cell procedure is simply a matter of numbers. Once a person reaches the age of 50, the amount of stem cells in one’s bone marrow literally drops off a cliff. There is an exponential drop in the number of stem cells and other regenerative cells that are available. At the age of 50, there is a 90% drop in stem cells in one’s bone marrow, and by the age of 70 that drops by 97%!

Bone marrow stem cell procedure’s can work very well for those in their 20s and 30s. This would include athletes and those in categories such as post traumatic extremity arthritis. But for those who have degenerative arthritis and are over the age of 50, it is a TERRIBLE idea to consider bone marrow stem cell therapy.


Bone Marrow Stem Cells Get Lazy

Another interesting fact that has come from research out of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, is that stem cells from the bone marrow do not work as well with increasing age. So in addition to their being a quantity problem, there is also a quality issue as well. The stem cells that we make get lazy, and there are also not enough of them as we age.

The argument that you should have a bone marrow procedure because it is your own tissue is also not valid. Donated tissue from the amniotic fluid, placenta or umbilical cord does not get rejected in the human body. The reason is that during processing, any DNA factors are removed. This leaves the tissue immunologically privileged. In over 10,000 cases to date, our Centers of Excellence have never had a rejection, disease transmission, or a deep infection.

The stem cell and regenerative counts in the tissue are exponentially higher than what is seen with bone marrow or adipose. I will cover adipose in a separate article.
With over 30 R3 Stem Cell Centers of Excellence nationwide, R3 is the nation’s leader in regenerative procedures. Not only does this include arthritis and soft tissue conditions, but also neurodegenerative, auto immune, COPD, kidney failure and much more.

Simply call us today at (844) GET-STEM so we can set you up with a free consultation at a center close to you.

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