Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: What and How?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: What and How?

As stem cell therapy becomes more popular for its effectiveness in treating various diseases and conditions, more attention is also being given to other forms of regenerative medicine, including platelet-rich plasma therapy. As stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions such as hair loss, joint pain, and osteoarthritis, using one of the body’s natural repair mechanisms. R3’s centers for platelet-rich plasma therapy Scottsdale Az have experienced, trained, and compassionate doctors who are ready to help you combat your pain and discomfort. Book an appointment today.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

The blood contains different substances, such as blood cells, platelets, small cell fragments, and plasma, the liquid content of the blood. Platelets help blood clot, but they have so much more potential in regenerative medicine. Researchers have discovered that platelets can stimulate cell regeneration and promote cell reproduction in different body parts, two important elements of regenerative medicine.

So, if an ailing part of the body gets a platelet-rich plasma injection, it could trigger the replacement of weak or diseased cells while facilitating the growth of new, healthy cells. Studies have found that the concentration of platelet-derived growth factors can drastically reduce the time it takes for a part of the body to repair itself after an injury, trauma, or disease.

How doctors extract Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma comes from the blood. For PRP therapy, doctors collect some blood from a patient. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma from other blood components. The resulting solution is the platelet-rich plasma. It is then injected into the body part, where it is needed for cellular regeneration and reproduction.

During the injection process, the stem cell doctor may need an ultrasound to guide the injection and ensure the solution goes directly where it is required. The procedure is simple and only takes one or two hours, depending on the condition being treated.

What conditions can PRP therapy treat?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy, much like many other regenerative procedures, has only just caught the notice of many researchers and medical professionals. Even though they have been around for decades, scientists are still trying to discover the peak of their potential. Every day more discoveries are made about the application of PRP therapy.

Currently, the regenerative procedure is used to treat the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis: a form of arthritis marked by the wearing out of the protective cartilage at the end of bones. The painful condition causes the bones to rub together, causing inflammation, joint stiffness, and other symptoms. Early studies have revealed that PRP could ease some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis, such as inflammation and joint stiffness.
  • Injuries to the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints: whether it is caused by trauma, surgery, or diseases, an injury to any of these tissues could take a very long time to repair itself. Researchers have found that PRP therapy could speed up the process.
  • Hair Loss: PRP injections are also used to treat hair loss and early balding. As a result of its regenerative powers, a PRP injection to the scalp could restore the hair to its original state.

The application of PRP therapy is not limited to these conditions. Please get in touch with R3’s PRP treatment Arizona centers if you or a loved one needs platelet-rich plasma therapy.

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