Detection of the Early Signs of Arthritis in Feet is Paramount

Detection of the Early Signs of Arthritis in Feet is Paramount

If you have noticed pain and swelling starting to occur in the ankle or feet joints and this is starting to impede flexibility and mobility, it’s important to seek medical advice. Early signs of arthritis in feet should always be noted as this will help your doctor to determine the best options for pain relief and treatment. Foot arthritis can be incredibly painful and over time, it’s possible to lose mobility in the joints and for deformity to occur. Most commonly, osteoarthritis is responsible and this usually occurs through natural wear and tear, but, sometimes, surgery is necessary and there is much to consider in respect of pain relief including stem cell injections for foot pain. If the pain is chronic, there are options to consider and it is worth asking your doctor for more information.

It’s easy to see how painful your feet can become if foot arthritis sets in. There are 28 bones and 30 joints in this part of your body and arthritis can easily occur in the joint between the shinbone and ankle. It can occur in the big toe joint as well and the three joints between the heel bone and inner and outer bones of the foot. Arthritic pain should never be just ignored. Left untreated, it can impact life on a considerable scale and pain can begin to increase from chronic to acute. The doctor will ask a variety of questions to determine how the pain is affecting you but observation is also important. Typically, diagnosis makes use of a gait analysis test. The doctor will monitor how you walk, observing any unnatural gait, sending you for an x-ray, bone scan or even a CT scan if necessary. If walking is impaired or if walking is awkward to compensate for the pain, this can throw the body out of alignment and create other health issues. It is best to seek medical help sooner than later before joint deformity occurs.

There are non-surgical medications that can be prescribed including medication for pain, physical therapy, and even steroids. Steroid injections are provided to those who have an arthritic foot or ankle joints but it is important to note that steroids will not cure the disease but will at least provide some relief from pain. It should also reduce swelling. Only certain types of steroids can be used for this type of condition as it is possible to damage cartilage in these areas. However, medical research has discovered that it is possible to inject stem cells into the areas that are affected and instead of just managing the symptoms, it can promote healing naturally through the production of anti-inflammatory agents which will help to decrease inflammation. It also helps with the lubrication of the joints through secreting hyaluronic acid. Stem cells can help to regenerate damaged joints and develop new healthier cells and injections can even repair cartilage damage. This is crucial to help maintain health and well-being and helps life to become less focused on pain and pain management.

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