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New York City Stem Cell Therapy Center
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Call Our NYC Stem Cell Treatment Center Now 844-438-7836

Experienced Stem Cell & Exosome Treatment Clinic in NYC

Imagine a life free from chronic pain, without invasive surgery. At our New York City Stem Cell Therapy Center, we’re making that a reality.


New York City is leading a medical revolution with stem cell therapy. This advanced treatment offers new hope for chronic pain and tough injuries. From joint pain to autoimmune issues, stem cells provide a non-invasive alternative to surgery, repairing tissue, reducing inflammation, and boosting healing in remarkable ways.


Our expert NYC doctors don’t just ease symptoms – we fix the root problem. With minimally invasive procedures and same-day treatments, you can start your journey to recovery faster than ever.


Ready to transform your life? Call (844) GET-STEM now for a FREE consultation and discover how stem cell therapy in NYC can work for you.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy helps your body heal itself. Our experienced doctors use these special cells to fix damaged tissue. They can turn into different cell types and boost healing.


We get stem cells from fat or donor birth tissue. Don’t worry, it’s all safe and approved.


When we inject stem cells, they calm inflammation and help growth. This can heal many body parts like organs, nerves, and joints.


It’s a quick, easy treatment that might help various health problems. Want to know if it’s right for you? Come chat with our doctors for free.

What Type of Stem Cells Does Our New York City Clinic Offer?

Our stem cell therapy center in New York City, near Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, offers treatment options. We use mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells (MSCs).


We provide both autologous (your own) and allogeneic (donor) mesenchymal stem cells. These come from your fat tissue or a donor’s umbilical cord. Both methods are safe and effective, and our doctors are experts in them.


With over 25,000 procedures done in six countries over 12 years, R3 leads in regenerative therapies. Trust our NYC experts for your treatment!

Our skilled doctors use MSCs from fat tissue and umbilical grafts to treat musculoskeletal issues. This includes injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, and degenerative diseases.


Our treatment is minimally invasive and can help with many health issues. During the free consultation, our doctors will discuss your condition and if stem cell therapy might work for you.


Start with a free consultation to see if stem cell therapy is right for you. Call (844) GET-STEM now.

Who is a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy might help if you have chronic joint pain, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, or other issues that haven’t improved with standard treatments.


At our New York clinic, our expert doctors will evaluate you to see if you’re a good fit for the therapy. We’ll look at your medical history, age, diagnosis, and overall health.


Typically, good candidates are in decent health and have conditions like:

Many patients in New York have questions about the safety, cost, insurance, and effectiveness of stem cell therapy. We’ll address these during your first visit and explain the process so you can decide confidently.


Ready to see if you’re a candidate? Call (844) GET-STEM for a consultation with R3 Stem Cell New York today.

Preparing for Your Stem Cell Therapy Procedure

First, you’ll have a consultation. We’ll review your medical history, discuss your condition, explain the therapy, and answer your questions.


If you’re a good candidate, we’ll give you instructions:

To prepare, get lots of rest the night before. Eat healthy, stay hydrated, and wear comfy clothes. Try to relax to reduce anxiety.


Following these steps helps make your stem cell therapy safe and effective. We’re here to support you throughout the process. Just ask if you have any questions!

What to Expect During Your Stem Cell Treatment Procedure

When you arrive for your procedure, we’ll:

The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. You’ll recover until you can have someone drive you home.


The injection is quick, simple, and minimally invasive. We use image guidance for accuracy when needed.


You’ll be awake and should feel little to no discomfort. Tell us if you have any pain or questions.


We aim to make your treatment smooth and stress-free. We use advanced techniques and technology for the best results.


Call us at (844) GET-STEM for a FREE consultation and to set up your appointment at our New York City stem cell center.

Common Symptoms Improved by Stem Cell Therapy

Our New York stem cell treatment aims to reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissue at the source of your pain or impairment. It is an effective treatment for symptoms related to:

Patients who undergo stem cell therapy often experience:

If you suffer from these nagging symptoms, call us today at (844) GET-STEM to discuss whether stem cell therapy in NYC with R3 is right for you.

Common Conditions Treated with Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells and treatment using them have proven effective for regenerating tissue, reducing inflammation, repairing damage, and alleviating pain associated with various common orthopedic conditions and injuries.


See examples below of conditions our New York stem cell doctors and specialists will treat:

Elbow Injuries

Our stem cell injections can treat elbow injuries like:

Stem cell therapy may heal damaged tissue, ease pain and inflammation, and restore mobility and function.

Hand and Wrist Injuries

We successfully treat hand and wrist conditions such as:

Stem cell therapy can eliminate the need for surgery and help you regain flexibility.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

We repair injured shoulder rotator cuffs using stem cell therapy to treat:

Stem cells can regrow damaged tendon tissue to improve function.

Neck Injuries

For chronic neck pain and impaired mobility, we can treat:

Stem cell therapy may repair discs and reduce nerve compression.

Degenerative Disc Disease

For conditions like:

Stem cell injections can help regenerate cushioning discs.

Hip Injuries

Our stem cell treatments target hip problems like:

Stem cell therapy aims to heal damage, reduce bone-on-bone friction, decrease inflammation, and restore mobility.

Knee Injuries

We repair common knee injuries, including:

Stem cells regenerate cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Foot and Ankle Injuries

Stem cell therapy can treat conditions like:

Stem cells reduce inflammation and facilitate healing. Regardless of your condition, our team has the expertise to determine if stem cell therapy may help you achieve a more active, pain-free lifestyle.


If you or a loved one are in pain or discomfort due to one of these conditions above, don’t wait!


Contact our NY stem cell treatment doctors today and schedule your free consultation at (844) GET-STEM

The Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy in New York City

When researching stem cell therapy providers near you in the New York area, R3 Stem Cell NYC rises to the top.


Here’s why you should choose us for your treatment:

Natural Healing

Stem cell injections help your body heal itself. They’re different from steroid injections, which only help for a short time and can make things worse later.

Minimally Invasive

Stem cell therapy uses a small injection instead of major surgery. Our NYC doctors use imaging to be precise. This means less pain, scarring, and faster recovery.

Long Lasting

Stem cells fix damage at the source rather than just treating symptoms. The results last longer.

Safe and Effective

Studies show stem cell therapy is safe and works well for many conditions.

Improved Quality of Life

Stem cell therapy reduces pain and helps you move better. This lets you be more independent and do more activities.

Why Choose R3 Stem Cell for Regenerative Therapy Near You in NYC?

We’re the best choice, and here’s why:

Take charge of your health. See how stem cells are changing the game for treating common orthopedic issues and injuries.


Don’t wait. Experience the R3 NYC difference with our knowledgeable stem cell doctors. Call us today at (844) GET-STEM.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s our pricing graphic. R3 likes to be completely transparent with pricing, and also will PRICE MATCH!


Yes, stem cell therapy is available in New York. R3 Stem Cell offers advanced stem cell treatments at their NYC location.

Stem cell therapy can be highly effective for joint pain, with many patients experiencing significant pain reduction and improved mobility within 2-3 months.

Yes, stem cell therapy is legal in New York when performed by licensed medical professionals using FDA-compliant protocols.

R3 Stem Cell offers treatments using mesenchymal stem cells from fat tissue or umbilical cord tissue for various conditions including joint pain, autoimmune disorders, and degenerative diseases.

Most insurance plans do not cover stem cell therapy. However, R3 Stem Cell offers affordable self-pay options and financing plans.

Risks are minimal when performed by experienced professionals. R3 Stem Cell has performed over 25,000 procedures without significant adverse events.

Recovery is typically quick, with most patients returning to normal activities within a few days. Full benefits may be seen over 2-6 months.

Yes, stem cell therapy shows promise for various chronic conditions including arthritis, COPD, and autoimmune disorders.

Success rates vary by condition, but R3 Stem Cell reports an 85% patient satisfaction rate across all treatments.

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