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Amniotic Stem Cells

Between stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and exosome therapy, there is no shortage of regenerative medicine therapies available to patients. While stem cell therapy took center stage in the regenerative medicine world, other therapies, such as exosome therapy, deserve attention as well. While exosomes...

Over the past decade, the use of allograft tissue in regenerative therapies has continued to exponentially increase. These have included post natal tissues that consist of donated umbilical cords, amniotic fluid and possibly the placenta. The reason is that these tissues have produced exceptional results...

Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord products both have many uses in regenerative medicine. These materials are known as “products of conception”, and come from tissues such as the amniotic fluid itself, the umbilical cord tissue, Wharton’s jelly, and the umbilical cord blood.   These stem cells show...