Regenerative Procedures Tag

Regenerative medicine procedures are procedures that use the body’s natural defense mechanisms to treat a wide range of diseases. Unlike traditional medical procedures, including surgeries and medications, regenerative medicine spurs repair, regeneration, and regrowth from the cellular level. These procedures use natural substances such as...

Traditional methods of treatments, such as medications and surgeries, have been around for decades, and billions of people have been saved from medical conditions that would have been, but for the intervention of medical practices, life-threatening. Many more people will benefit from traditional medical procedures,...

One of the first things most people want to know about regenerative procedures is how safe it is for them. Many people can't believe that a procedure could offer so many benefits without excruciating invasive procedures. If you are in this category, this article will lay...

It seems as though every day, a new study is published highlighting the benefits of regenerative procedures with amniotic and umbilical cord stem cells. To date, those have been small studies, but larger ones are occurring. Why Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Stem Cells May Be Beneficial The...