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Regenerative Medicine

  Stem cell therapy has emerged as the most promising treatment to stop and reverse the effects of degenerative disorders, such as knee arthritis. Research publications worldwide attest its effectiveness in fast becoming a non-invasive substitute to surgical method and an alternative source of knee cartilage...

Regenerative therapies for the musculoskeletal system are the future of orthopedic medicine. Stem cell therapy is an innovative treatment that heals musculoskeletal problems without the need for surgery. In the United States alone, there are more than 500,000 spinal fusions and 400,000 lumbar discectomies performed...

 Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic and Peripheral Neuropathy By David Greene MD, MBA Neuropathic Pain Diabetic and Peripheral Neuropathy pain affect 6% of the population. 70% of diabetics suffer from neuropathy. Pain is sharp, burning, lancinating, electric. Not just pain, the decreased sensation affects walking ability. Neuropathy Traditional 
Treatment Options Opioids and NSAIDs Oral...