Diabetes Mellitus


Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with diabetes. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .

Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus in Mexico – Type 1 and 2


R3 Stem Cell International offers stem cell treatment for Diabetes in Mexico, both Type 1 and Type II. The therapy works exceptionally well for patients who desire improvements for their diabetes and are having trouble with conventional treatments. It is also safe and cost effective, only costing $2950 for 30 million live stem cells or $3950 for 50 million live cells!


What we refer to as Diabetes is known medically as Diabetes mellitus. This is not just one disease, but a group of diseases in which the patient suffers from abnormally high levels blood sugar. There are two major reasons behind Diabetes and both are related to the production and rejection of insulin. Diabetes could come about due to insufficient production of insulin or when the body cells reject the insulin produced.


There are three types of Diabetes and these are type 1, type 2 and gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes affects expectant mothers. Their bodies are not able to produce sufficient insulin and this leads to uncontrollable glucose levels. The good Stem Cells Diabetesnews is that this type of Diabetes is easily controlled with a proper diet and exercise. That said; about 20 percent will require medication to control the blood sugar. Today however, we will be looking at the common types of Diabetes which are type 1 and 2.


Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 Diabetes is brought about when the body does not produce the much needed insulin. The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin. The immune system instead produces inflammatory cells and antibodies which attack the beta cells produced by the pancreas. This is therefore a case of an immune system that is misdirected.


It is believed that this type of Diabetes could be hereditary although not in most cases. Type 1 Diabetes leaves the patient completely dependent on insulin and can be described as the early stage of Diabetes. Although Diabetes is associated with the aging, young adults and teenagers are affected by type 1 Diabetes. This condition normally strikes before the age of 40. Managing type 1 Diabetes involves taking insulin injections for life and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.


Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is the most prevalent type of Diabetes and 90 percent of people suffering from this blood sugar condition have this type of Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes could be as a result of improper insulin production or insulin resistance. Stem Cell Therapy for DiabetesUnfortunately, type 2 Diabetes is progressive and tends to get worse with age.


Overweight people are at a higher risk of developing this type of Diabetes because the body releases chemicals that destabilize the metabolic and cardiovascular systems. Age is also a risk factor with this type of Diabetes and so is orientation with African, South Asian and Middle Eastern descents being at a higher risk. Managing type 2 Diabetes involves losing weight, exercise, eating healthy and most importantly monitoring the blood sugar levels. Since this is a progressive disease, the patient may eventually need to take insulin to manage the blood sugar.


Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

There is no known cure for Diabetes but stem cells therapy is producing promising results. According to a small study conducted on 23 patients suffering from type 1 Diabetes, stem cell transplants cured their diabetes. This study showed that the stem cell therapy can potentially reset the immune system by stopping the attack on the pancreas.


Type 2 Diabetes could also benefit from stem cell therapy. Studies conducted in India showed that bone marrow derived stem cells could reduce the insulin dose taken by type 2 Diabetes patients.

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R3 Stem Cell offers IV stem cell therapy for diabetes, request your appointment today!