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Author: siteadmin

Regenerative medicine seeks to restore normal function to the body by replacing, repairing or restoring malfunctioning or damaged cells and tissues in patients who have lost tissue or organ function due to disease, age, or genetic defects.   Regenerative cells can be harvested from a patient’s bone marrow or adipose tissue; they can also be found in amniotic fluid.  The Amniotic fluid is obtained from the placenta of healthy pregnant mothers who give...

Stem cell therapy is a non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical method of treatment that is a healthy alternative to surgery utilizing stem cells. This is because patients who have undergone this regenerative procedure do not require days or weeks to recuperate, and they also do not need medications to facilitate...

Regenerative medicine is an emerging area of science that works to restore proper function of tissues and organs damaged by injury or disease or injury and promote the body’s repair process.   Regenerative medicine utilizes stem cells to produce healthy, live tissues that help repair cells damaged by age, disease, or injuries. Stem cells are able to aim areas of damage and stimulate the...

A non-invasive method of treatment that accelerates the healing process of the body using stem cells is known as stem cell therapy. Here, the body can be stimulated to repair damaged tissues which will result in the improved health of a patient suffering from a medical condition. These conditions...

Stem cells are found in every human body, and they play a vital role in our body’s natural healing process. These cells remain dormant in the body until they get a signal from the brain that the body has suffered injury or damage. Stem cells have the extraordinary ability to transform themselves into the exact kind of cells that were damaged to promote the natural healing of the body....