Stem Cell Therapy in New Delhi India from the USA Leader.
Contact today to set up your free consultation.
Stem Cell Therapy in New Delhi India from the USA Leader.
Contact today to set up your free consultation.


About Stem Cell Therapy in New Delhi, India

R3 Stem Cell India offers first rate stem cell, exosome and PRP treatments for those suffering from many serious, chronic conditions. Patients benefit from the nonsurgical stem cell therapy in New Delhi which may include an autologous adipose procedure (tissue from you), or an allograft (from a donor). The treatments have been working incredibly well for thousands of patients who have failed conventional treatments, or for those who have no options left!


After 11 years of being the leader in the United States with over 20,000 stem cell procedures performed, R3 Stem Cell is now offering an international program in India which has significant benefits for you with the same stem cell biologics and treatment protocols! Patients can benefit from having a procedure that is autologous (your own adipose tissue), or from an allograft (umbilical cord stem cells). The biologics come from an FDA Registered lab in California with 17 years experience producing quality umbilical cord stem cell tissue. 


India stem cell 1


R3 Stem Cell cares deeply about one thing. And that’s helping patients achieve an improved quality of life with safe treatments that are clinically effective. In addition, since R3 provides treatment in several countries, they are able to achieve this very cost effectively because of significant volume. Even better when the quality treatments can be offered at a fraction of the cost as anywhere else!


“The doctor and Staff took excellent care of us on every detail. Excellent people and excellent delivery of the whole experience. We felt great personal care in every aspect of our visit.” MS, INDIA


“I just want to let you know that my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. I cannot believe this worked as well as it did. It’s like 20 years were taken off my knees!.” DW canada




















First of all, R3 cares deeply about patient safety. Having had NO significant adverse events in over 10 years, R3 wanted to make sure patients would have the same experience at the India clinic. So R3 utilizes stem cell biologics from either the patient him/herself’s adipose tissue with an autologous procedure, or umbilical cord allograft from an FDA Registered lab in the USA with an amazing safety record. R3’s biologics have had no significant adverse events in over ten years (since inception), and the FDA safety regulations are are amazing at ensuring the biologics are free of disease.  


The stem cell biologics are kept in cryopreservation quarantine for two weeks until all disease testing comes back. The FDA is very strict with the regulations, which is great for patient safety! The stem cell biologics are kept cryopreserved until just before use. 


















In the US, stem cell biologics at R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence are very high quality and fit within the FDA requirements. Since they are extremely safe and patient outcomes have been tremendous, the biologics used in India are the SAME!


The donor process for the stem cell biologics is regulated by the FDA, with extensive screening to rule out disease.  The tissue is obtained after a scheduled c-section from mothers that have been rigorously screened. No babies or mothers are harmed, and the donor material includes amniotic fluid, umbilical cord tissue, Wharton’s Jelly and placenta.


The lab routinely looks for infectious diseases and malignancy, and the tissue is only released for clinical use after the tests ALL come back negative. No radiation is used in the biologic processing, and also no foreign (animal) reagents.
























The biologics that are used by R3 Stem Cell India have millions of live stem cells. Minimal preservatives are necessary, and the biologics stay cryopreserved until just a few minutes prior to your procedure.


The stem cells are extremely potent and active, with administration occurring either IV, injection, intrathecal, intranasal or nebulizer. With its significant purchasing power, R3 Stem Cell India has been able to make this powerful, safe stem cell treatment available in India for an extremely reasonable investment.


In addition, R3’s Centers of Excellence offer exosome treatments. These are stem cell byproducts which have been exceptional at improving many conditions including autoimmune disease, kidney failure, autism, heart and lung disease, diabetes, neuropathy, post-stroke and more!


Investing in your health is truly the best investment you can make.


Experienced, Veteran Providers


R3 Stem Cell India offers these safe, effective procedures with top notch Indian doctors who have extensive experience with stem cell procedures. A free phone consultation is offered to help ensure you will be an appropriate candidate and will feel comfortable with the provider.


For systemic conditions such as Alzheimers, Cardiac, COPD, Parkinsons, Liver, Diabetes, Post Stroke, Autism etc that require Intravenous or treatments, R3 Stem Cell India has developed a proprietary IV stem cell therapy program. The Program is effective and safe, with treatment being overseen by highly skilled professionals.


The R3 Stem Cell India doctors are leaders in Stem Cell Therapy and have been providing first rate regenerative medicine successfully for years.




  • Cardiac Conditions
  • Kidney Failure
  • MS, ALS, Dementia
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Degenerative and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Ankle, Elbow Arthritis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Diabetes and Diabetic Ulcers
  • COPD
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Lyme Disease
  • Liver Failure
  • Back Pain
  • Post Stroke
  • Migraines
  • Neurologic Disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, MS, ALS)
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Autism
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Alzheimers


Call R3 Stem Cell India Today to set up your virtual or in person Consultation. Only so many slots are available for treatment, don’t wait!


Stem Cell Doctors Offering Stem Cell Therapy Injection, IV, Intrathecal, Nebulizer & Intranasal


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