Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy

Stem Cell Therapy for Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy in Pakistan – Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that is usually caused by diabetes. As such it is also known as diabetic neuropathy. The condition, marked by nerve damage, is the result of prolonged levels of high blood pressure.


The majority of diabetics – nearly 60% – struggle with diabetic neuropathy. There is no current cure for neuropathy. However, researchers are looking into the use of stem cell therapy for helping to manage the condition.


How Does Neuropathy Affect The Body?


Diabetic neuropathy affects nearly 30 million Americans and people around the world, the majority of which struggle with diabetes. Neuropathy can also be caused by other nerve-damaging issues such as alcoholism.


Neuropathy damages the nerves outside of the spinal cord and brain.  The condition is known to impair the quality of life. Since the condition has no cure, patients are often left to fend for themselves. Some of the symptoms that they must struggle with include:


  • Paralysis
  • Sensitivity to temperature
  • Difficulty with hand-eye coordination
  • Numbness and tingling


Treatments tend to include surgery, medication, and therapy. However, these treatments only offer short-term support and leave patients without a long-term solution to the problem.


Can Stem Cell Therapy Offer Long-Term Support For Diabetic Neuropathy?


More and more research is being done on the use of stem cell therapy for helping people who struggle with diabetic neuropathy.


Stem cells can be derived from human tissue. They are often derived from bone marrow or fat cells. Stem cells are unique because they can be ‘activated’ and perform the role of other cells.


Stem cells have been used for the treatment of a number of different nervous conditions. They are injected into the problematic area where they assume the role of nearby cells. They can then reproduce and replace the damaged cells with new healthy ones.


The particular cells used for treating diabetic neuropathy are known as mesenchymal cells (MSCs). These cells are known to help protect nerve cells and to stimulate the growth of new nerve cells.


When injected into the bodies of people struggling with neuropathy, stem cells can encourage the body to activate its own latent healing mechanisms. In doing this, they help to restore form and function to the damaged nerve cells and tissue.


More than half of the patients who have been treated with stem cells reported an improvement in symptoms. Pain was decreased and they were able to use less medication. Considering the lack of an effective long-term treatment for neuropathy, the use of stem cell therapy seems extremely promising.


In addition to stem cell therapy, doctors may recommend that neuropathic patients receive platelet-rich plasma therapy. This process involves taking a sample of the patient’s blood, separating it into multiple layers by spinning it into a centrifuge, and isolating the layer in which the platelets and growth factors are present.


These platelets and growth factors are then utilized to further assist the patient with the repair of their nervous system.




Diabetic neuropathy is a difficult condition marked by nerve damage. Neuropathy can lead to a decrease in quality of life. The condition is often difficult to treat and can lead to long-term problems.


Stem cell therapy is being used to help treat diabetic neuropathy. Patients treated with stem cells showed a significant improvement in their quality of life. Treatments are often quick and many patients have found significant success after a single treatment.


Stem cell therapy for Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy is offered by R3 Stem Cell International in Pakistan. Contact us Today at +917947515066 for an Evaluation for stem cell treatment!

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