R3 Alliance | Stem Cell Patients | Why Us?
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Why Us?

Why Join the R3 Alliance Program?


The number three in R3 Stem Cell stands for Repair,Regenerate, and Restore. However, in the case of what R3 will do for your practice, there are actually three other R’s:


  • Revenue
  • Reputation
  • Resources


Regenerative Medicine using stem cell procedures is a cutting edge offering that most medical practices are either not familiar with, or struggling to figure out how to implement. R3 has already created a model that works amazingly well throughout the patient journey.


R3 Stem Cell’s process is painless and provides you with an exclusive geography for our marketing efforts, which will elevate your practice’s reputation and revenues. R3 only sends procedures to your practice, NOT just leads. These are patients who have expressed interest, and gone through a free consultation with one of our medical providers.


R3 then signs the patients up for a procedure, and will schedule them with YOUR practice. All you need to do is perform a first rate procedure. R3 sends you the biologics, IV kits, and PRP tube. Our software shows you medical notes, images and allows you to place notes.


Most practices generate over $200,000 in additional revenue per year (all profit) from the R3 Alliance program. There are no startup fees, ongoing fees, and R3 does all the heavy lifting!



In addition, providers in the Alliance are offered both online and in person training. Peer collaboration is vital to improving patient care, especially in a cutting edge field such as Regenerative Medicine.


All in all, R3 Stem Cell offers significant value creation for your practice both in reputation and revenue. Geographies for clients are exclusive, though, so make sure to contact us today!

“I’m Interested” Form – Contact Us and We’ll Get Back to You ASAP to discuss!