Autism Stem Cell Therapy Program
Up to 200 Million Live Cells, Safe and Effective!
R3 International offers top notch stem cell and exosome therapies in South Africa at locations in Johannesburg and Umhlanga. As the USA leader in regenerative therapies for the past decade, R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence have treated over 21,000 patients globally successfully and safely. We change lives everyday!
R3 has treated individuals from all over Africa, providing cutting edge stem cell and exosome therapies with anywhere between 30 million and ONE BILLION stem cells. Because of R3 Stem Cell’s substantial procedure numbers over the years, our Buying Power Has Made regenerative therapies VERY Affordable At Our South Africa Clinics. Treatment starts at only $1500 US dollars!
Many chronic conditions respond very well with the pure, powerful, potent stem cell and exosome therapies including autism, MS, ALS, neuropathy, heart problems, COPD, stroke, arthritis, cerebral palsy, Post Covid, kidney failure, liver failure, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Lyme, autoimmune conditions, and many more. The mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapies are performed withWharton’s Jelly umbilical cord derived biologics that exceed FDA Quality standards, and R3 has not experienced a significant adverse event to date.
Starting at ONLY $1500 USD!

Stem Cell Therapy Canada

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Request a free, confidential, no obligation consultation with R3’s regenerative expert providers. Find out if you or a loved one is a candidate for stem cell therapy and get your questions answered!


Download our FREE consumer guide. FAQ’s are answered and will help you make more informed decisions about your regenerative options!

Consumer guide for stem cell and exosome therapy

I used to hear it all the time. “Stem cells are a fad. Stem cells don’t work. There’s not enough evidence yet. You shouldn’t offer something that’s not FDA Approved.” 

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Spoiler alert: . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Spoiler alert: . . .

R3 Stem Cell Anti Aging Consumer Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for arthritis pain relief. Spoiler alert: It . . . 

R3 Stem Cell Consumer Guide for Arthritis

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for arthritis pain relief. Spoiler alert: It . . . 

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Ataxia

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Ataxia. Spoiler alert: It can . . .

R3 Stem Cell Free Guide For Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes several conditions that were previously considered separately. These include Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome . . .

R3 Back Pain Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for back pain. Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! In this guide . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide For Cerebral Palsy

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Cerebral Palsy. Spoiler

R3 Stem Cell COPD Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with COPD. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .

R3 Stem Cell Diabetes Consumer Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with diabetes. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .

R3 Dietary Guideline for Stem Cell Therapy

First of all, thank you for delving into R3 Stem Cell’s Dietary Guidelines Ebook. The first guideline is to definitely consume ALL that this guide has to . . .

R3 Stem Cell Consumer Guide for Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Spoiler . .

R3 Erectile Dysfunction Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with erectile dysfunction. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .

R3 Stem Cell Hair Regeneration Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with hair loss. Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! . . .

R3 Stem Cell Headaches and Migraines Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Migraines and Chronic Headaches . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Heart Disease

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for heart failure. Spoiler alert: It can . . .

Stem Cell Guide for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Ulcerative Colitis . . .

R3 Stem Cell Injection Consumer Guide

Regenerative medicine refers to therapies that are able to repair, restore and regenerate damaged tissues in the body. These treatments represent a . . . 

R3 Kidney Renal Consumer Guide

The number of individuals affected with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is rising worldwide, mainly due to a remarkable increase . . .

R3 Liver Failure Consumer Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with liver failure. Spoiler alert: It can . . .

Stem Cell Guide for Lupus – SLE

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Spoiler alert: It . . .

Stem Cell Guide for Lyme Disease

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Lyme Disease. . .

R3 Stem Cell Multiple Sclerosis Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! In . . .

R3 Stem Cell Neuropathy Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Peripheral Neuropathy (PN). Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide Parkinson’s Disease

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Spoiler alert: It can . . .

Stem Cell Guide for Premature Ovarian Failure

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! In . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Psoriasis

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Psoriasis. Spoiler alert: It can . . .

R3 Stem Cell Rheumatoid Arthritis Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Spoiler alert: It can help a lot! . . .

R3 Stem Cell Consumer Guide for Rotator Cuff Disease

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with rotator cuff related pain. Spoiler alert . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Scleroderma

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help for Systemic Sclerosis. Spoiler alert: It can . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Spinal Cord Injury Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Spoiler alert: . . .

R3 Stem Cell Stroke Guide

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help after a stroke. Spoiler alert: It can help a . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Traumatic Injury (TBI). Spoiler alert: . . .

R3 Stem Cell Guide for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Every day, R3 Stem Cell receives inquiries worldwide from individuals asking if stem cell therapy can help with Trigeminal Neuralgia. Spoiler . . .

R3 Stem Cell International’s regenerative program in Johannesburg and Umhlanga serves South Africa and the entire continent with all inclusive stem cell and exosome therapies that are the most clinically and cost effective IN THE WORLD! Not only are the regenerative procedures incredibly effective, but your investment will be less than HALF of what it would cost in the USA for that amount of mesenchymal stem cells. Receive the best of USA technology for a fraction of the price!

Stem Cell Therapy South Africa


Dr Ramon and Abril took excellent care of us on every detail. Excellent people and excellent delivery of the whole experience. We felt great personal care in every aspect of our visit.
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John S, California


I had treatment in TJ last week and I have to say that everyone was great. I had a hip injection and Dr. Ivan explained everything and I felt comfortable 100%. Also, when he did the injection, I didn’t feel a thing. It has only been a week, but I have to say that I am feeling great. I just walked 10k steps and I am not taking pain meds or anything. I am hoping this holds but all I can say is that for now I am feeling a big improvement. I am recommending R3 to all my friends who have issues.
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Matthew Stall


I wanted to tell you that I went to R3 in Tijuana on 1/5/24 my major concern was Parkinson’s, I do not have tremors but I was diagnosed with PD because of the following: gait, freezing, speech and handwringing. After I received my stem cells (100,000,000) my speech got clearer and mobility also seen some improvement. I will use your services on a yearly basis or every 6 months what ever will help prolong my life and slow the process of the disease


Thank you for all you have done within the stem cell industry.
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Rick L, Orange County CA


I went to the R3 Stem Cell clinic in Tijuana in the first week of April, 2022. I had 70 million stem cells, including 40 million intravenous, and the rest injected into my shoulder, upper cervical, TMJ, and face (for post-heretic neuralgia, not for beauty). I would like to tell you the results I have had already, approximately 2 months after the therapy.


There were no complications at all. Well, if there was some soreness afterwards, it was so little that I don’t remember.


My hair has gone from deep grey to close to the auburn brown it had four years ago, with a tiny bit of grey left in the sides. A bonus side effect!


My shoulder, which was very frozen six months ago, and supposed to need surgery due to the biceps tendon being 50% torn, and severe bursitis under the scapula and in the labrum, has healed up, and I have normal strength and almost normal range of motion in my right arm now. The physical therapist had just estimated it would take 1 year of 3X a week to get to this point. This is amazing!


My upper cervicals are still unstable. There had been a severe whiplash injury many years ago, and ligaments have been stretched, maybe a couple torn, so it’s really a matter of maintaining an adaptive lifestyle. However, since the stem cells, I have been able to travel with heavy suitcases, swim in the ocean, and ride bumpy buses, all without getting headaches! this would have been impossible before- I was having severe head pain.


My face and eye: I had the shingles so bad it put me in the hospital, with blood oozing out of open sores all over my forehead’s right side and eyebrow!. I had infrared laser therapy for three weeks to grow the skin back, plus 8 sessions of Neural therapy, plus vitamin B injections, yet still, to control the neuralgia I had to take a large dose of a drug meant for epilepsy, twice a day, and several nerve supplements, but the drug had a side effect of making me feel dizzy, and weak in the legs. I have not taken that drug once since the stem cells.


I have no nerve pain, the skin now looks just like the other side of my forehead, and the numbness in my eyebrow has gone! On days when I don’t spend much time on the computer, I notice that my right eye now sees better than my left eye, WITHOUT my glasses! (this has never happened before, I was always left-eyed, since childhood). I must go get a new glasses prescription for the improved vision!


My Pancreas: I have had to take digestive enzymes with every meal for over 40 years now, because in my twenties I got an infection that shut down my pancreas’ ability to deliver enzymes to my small intestine. SO I had chronic inflammatory Bowel disease, forcing me to limit my diet and meal size rather severely.


I won’t say I can eat normally, but my bowels are definitely improving, and in another month, it should be even better, since I understand that the stem cells tend to have effects that enhance healing for 3 months or more. If only I could have gotten this treatment 40 years ago!


I believe that that the two hours I spent at R3 Stem Cell clinic gave me the capacity for this incredible amount of healing- 6 things at once, if you include my greying hair- a capacity that I wouldn’t have had at my age of 67, and so the aging process for me has gone retrograde!


I feel so much better, like getting 8 years younger, while avoiding surgery altogether, and recapturing the feeling that I can be a productive person in society again!
Thank you for all your hard work setting up this organization that made all this possible! And a big shout-out to the staff at the Tijuana Clinic!
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Carl. A, USA


It has been 3 weeks since Dawson received stem cell therapy (he’s 5 years old).


At first Dawsen was quite grumpy for 3 days, then suddenly he slept for 13 hours. He never really slept more than 6-7 and no naps. He is now sleeping at least 9 hours a night.


He used to vomit 3 to 4 times a week, he has not vomited at all and it is clear that he is gaining weight. He makes eye contact now and is really happy. His potty training has improved and he seems to understand some of the things we tell him better.


The jumping in place and hand flapping has stopped. He says “hi” and makes a lot more sounds now. He smiles a lot! The dark circles that were around his eyes are gone.


Seems to be much more aware of people around him.


We will keep you posted over the next 5 months if there are more changes. Angels do God’s work! We will see you again soon!
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Dawsen’s Mother


I had 3 applications of stem cells on my foot and it healed in no time, fabulous, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
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Gloria Mcleod


I had both knees done and no more pain. Thanks.
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Angela Grant


I had stem cell treatment done for arthritis on my knees and fingers. It works great. Only thing is it takes time to see the result. I am highly recommend the stem cell treatment for arthritis.
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Lily Seed

I had R3 Stem cell Therapy about 10 months ago in my right knee and hip. Doing great now!
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John Sharp


It worked very well for me. After having a lifetime of pain from 11 car accidents, skiing accidents and being ran over by a box truck. Thank you R3 It’s not a magic wand but very close for me. Takes a little while to repair tissue but dang I feel good. Off all pain medication too.
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Ginger J


I’ve done this stem therapy, and I can tell you it works , my life has improved, I literally feel like I went back in time by 20 – 30 years , I’m off of my arthritis meds, and doing great! NOT ONE BIT SKETCHY
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Hello! All I can say is WOW, Jen’s procedure is already showing tremendous results. She had her cardiologist visit today regarding her pulmonary hypertension (possible Cath procedure) and all the test came back in normal ranges.


We were both in shock and 12 hours later I am still in a daze. I asked her what her pressure readings were and she said they were at 28-29 mmHG, and today, 13 days after the cells, she is at 18 mmHG. I believe it shocked her doctor and he started asking her about it.


It has exceeded my wildest optimism. Thank you!
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M.T., Texas, USA


I feel small improvements in my symptoms. Immediate pain relief and the stiffness is much better in my neck. My legs seem stronger when I pivot and stand, my head is clearer, I have more energy, my voice has remained stronger than usual.You have a very proficient and competent team and I greatly appreciate benefiting from all the people there who assisted. Thanks again
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Theresa W, Lyme Disease Patient, Connecticut


I just want to let you and Dr. Ramon know that my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. I cannot believe this worked as well as it did. It’s like 20 years were taken off my knees!.
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Dan W, San Francisco


Both my shoulders, both knees, and right hip were in constant pain. I was told by my regular orthopedic doctor that I needed to get a left knee replacement and a right shoulder replacement…which is why I went the stem cell route. Please inform Dr. Ramon that the treatments he gave me are giving me great results and I’m passing your company’s information out to others!
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DL, Washington


Just got my shots 2 days ago from the Tijuana site. Got shots on my 2 shoulders, 2 knees, and right hip. The only pain I have are from the shots but they were tolerable. Dr. Ramon and his staff were great, informative, and professional. Spent some time getting to know Dr Ramon and I like his approach to life–from his dedication to his family, his belief of doing good to everyone/your neighbor, and his continuous research to stay ahead in his profession (he is currently writing a book on the subject as well).
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Edward L.


Dr Ramon and Abril took excellent care of us on every detail. Excellent people and excellent delivery of the whole experience. We felt great personal care in every aspect of our visit.
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John S, California


I had treatment in TJ last week and I have to say that everyone was great. I had a hip injection and Dr. Ivan explained everything and I felt comfortable 100%. Also, when he did the injection, I didn’t feel a thing. It has only been a week, but I have to say that I am feeling great. I just walked 10k steps and I am not taking pain meds or anything. I am hoping this holds but all I can say is that for now I am feeling a big improvement. I am recommending R3 to all my friends who have issues.
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Matthew Stall

The response to our South Africa stem cell program has been OVERWHELMING! Close to 50% of our patients are either repeats or referrals, with patients coming from throughout the country and the ENTIRE CONTINENT.


Make sure to reserve your spot now by calling us at +2731100180 to set up a free phone consultation.


Our experienced stem cell doctors will perform a free virtual consultation to see if you are a candidate.


Regenerative Medicine in South Africa – Outpatient, Safe, Clinically Effective Stem Cell and Exosome Program. 30 million to ONE Billion cells!


Autism, CP, Parkinson’s, ED, Diabetes, COPD, MS, ALS, Spinal Injury, Arthritis, Stroke, Alzheimer’s, Liver Disease, Cardiac/Kidney/Lung Disease.


Expert Stem Cell Doctors in South Africa. 85% patient satisfaction & over 21,000 procedures to date. Chaperoned VIP ground transportation included, two locations available!


FAQ's - the most common questions answered about Stem Cell and Exosome Therapies and how they can help you and your loved ones. Learn from the experts!

Offering Stem Cell and Exosome Therapy by Injection, IV, Intranasal, Nebulizer, Intrathecal for over 50 conditions!