Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


Welcome to R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited.

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our services.  


1. Treatment Disclaimer


  • Our treatment can effectively alleviate symptoms and slow down or reverse degenerative conditions in many patients. However, the outcome of treatment varies from person to person. R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited cannot guarantee success for every patient.


  • Healthcare specialists consider factors such as medical history, current condition, and potential health risks before recommending treatment options.


2. Content Rights


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited owns all content on its website and reserves the right to change it without prior notice.


  • The website’s content, including design, graphics, text, and appearance, is either owned by R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited or licensed to it.


  • No part of the website may be distributed, translated, copied, reproduced, adapted, or used for any commercial purpose without R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited’s prior written approval.


  • Trademarks not owned by R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited but acknowledged on the site are protected by law; unauthorized use may result in legal action and claims for damages.


  • Links to other websites provided on R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited’s website are for informational purposes only and do not imply endorsement.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited disclaims responsibility for the content of linked websites and prohibits linking to its website without prior written consent.


  • While R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited strives for accurate information on treatments, it does not accept liability for inaccuracies or omissions on its website.


  • Users are encouraged to verify the authenticity and accuracy of information before relying on it for decision-making.


3. Patient Rights:


  • You have the right to be treated respectfully and with kindness, regardless of your race, color, religion, nationality, gender, or age.


  • Your cultural beliefs will be respected during your treatment.


  • We value you. Incase of any legal grievances, please write to us on: nliu@gmail.com.


4. Patient Responsibilities:


  • It is your responsibility to provide accurate information about your health, medications, and hospitalizations to your doctor. If you have questions or do not understand something, you should ask for clarification at the earliest opportunity. You also have the right to inform your doctor if you are unable to proceed with a recommended treatment but information should be given in advance.


  • You are expected to treat fellow patients and hospital staff with respect and cooperation. Payment for services rendered should be made promptly when necessary.


  • Your health is your responsibility. You should be aware of how your lifestyle choices impact your health and make informed decisions accordingly.



5. Privacy Policy Overview:


  • This Privacy Policy outlines how R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited uses and safeguards the personal information you provide when using our website.


  • We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensure that your personal information is handled with utmost care.


  • By using our website/services, you agree to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any terms, please refrain from providing personal information on the site.Not providing personal information may limit your access to certain features on our website/services, such as contacting our medical experts.


  • Regularly check this page for updates to stay informed about any changes to the Privacy Policy.


6. Use and Protection of Personal Information:


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited assures that your personal information will only be used for the specific purposes stated at the time of collection.


  • We utilize the information you provide to deliver our services and fulfill your requests for information.


  • Your personal information is never shared, disclosed, sold, loaned, or exchanged with any third party, individual, or organization.


  • Information is collected solely to enhance the quality of services we offer to you.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited adheres strictly to this policy and does not share your personal information with any third party not involved in providing our services.


7. Warranty and Limitations of Liability:


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited does not provide any warranty, whether expressed or implied, regarding the condition of this website, the accuracy of details, solutions, and components provided herein, or their suitability for any purpose. All information and components are offered “as is” without any assurance.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited expressly disclaims all warranties, including fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement, and merchantability, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited shall not be held liable under any circumstances for any loss resulting from the use of this website or any services or products obtained from it. This includes direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, even if the possibility of such damages has been advised.


  • The limitations of liability extend to the maximum extent permitted by law.


  • Information presented on this website, such as health and medical information, products, and treatments, is intended solely for informational purposes and is typically provided in summary or collective form.


  • This information should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.


  • Nothing on this terms and conditions establishes a doctor-patient relationship between you and R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited or its personnel.


8. Refund Policy


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited does not guarantee results and our treatments have effect on you basis your lifestyle, alternative treatments and medication that you take and other various factors.


  • To ensure client satisfaction, we have implemented a refund policy of a maximum of USD 500 on a case to case and good faith basis, as per the sole discretion of the ownership and management of R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited, to maintain long term relationships with clients only, aimed at protecting our patients’ interests.


9. Contact Information for Refund Inquiries:


  • To request a refund or for further assistance, please email us at nliu@gmail.com.


10. Payment Method


  • Payments for treatments provided by R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited can be made through various accepted methods, including but not limited to:


        1. a) Credit or debit card
        2. b) Online bank transfer
        3. c) Cash payment at our facility


  • Other electronic payment methods approved by R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited


  • All payments must be made in Indian Rupees (INR) unless otherwise specified and should cover the full amount as invoiced by R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited.


  • For international clients, payments may be accepted in other currencies as agreed upon in advance and specified in the invoice.


  • Payments made via credit or debit card are subject to additional processing fees as per applicable regulations.


  • The amount specified by the R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited should be deposited in advance to avail treatment.


11.  Consequences of Failure of Payments:

Failure to make full payment as per the agreed terms may result in:


  • Delay in scheduling or rescheduling appointments for treatment sessions.
  • Inability to receive further treatment until outstanding payments are settled.
  • Possible additional charges or interest on overdue amounts as specified in the invoice or agreed payment terms.
  • Legal action be taken against the patient party in case of non-payment and the R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited has the right to recover the amount by invoking legal procedure.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited reserves the right to withhold medical records or any reports related to treatment until outstanding payments are cleared.


  • Clients are responsible for ensuring timely payment and should communicate any issues or concerns regarding payments promptly to avoid disruptions in their treatment schedule.


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited may revise payment terms and conditions as necessary, and any updates will be communicated to clients in advance.


12. Disclaimer:


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited provides treatments following a comprehensive assessment by our skilled doctors.


  • However, we do not guarantee that this therapy will result in perfect improvement of your condition.



13. Confidentially Policy


  • R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited places a high priority on safeguarding the personal data of its website users and ensures the confidentiality of all information provided.


  • By using this website or registering for R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited’s services, you consent to abide by the terms outlined in the Confidentiality Policy, which governs the use of personal data received.


  • Users are encouraged to carefully read our Confidentiality Policy and review it periodically.


  • It is important to stay informed about the latest version of the policy whenever visiting our website, as it may undergo updates or revisions.
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14. Disputes


  • All disputes shall be subject to the courts in New Delhi, India.


15. Copyright and Ownership


  • The content and presentation of this website are the property of R3 Medical Clinic Private Limited and are safeguarded by both The Copyright Act, 1957 and The Trademarks Act,1999, alongside other applicable statutes.


  • Logos and other names appearing on the website or in its materials are trademarks and service marks belonging to our affiliates.


  • Unauthorized use of these trademarks or service marks without permission from the respective owner is strictly prohibited.

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16. Foreseeable risk / side effect that you may encounter in relation to this therapy


We aim to simplify our therapy procedures, but it’s essential to acknowledge potential risks or side effects that you may encounter. Here is what you should know:


Mild symptoms such as fever, headaches, back or leg pain, nausea, or allergic reactions can occur depending on the procedure.


  • Special Considerations:
        1. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, therapy is not recommended.
        2. Consult your doctor before undergoing therapy if you are taking medication for another condition.


  • Potential Serious Situations:

While serious situations can arise in any medical treatment, such occurrences have not been observed among our patients thus far.


[This Document shall be effective from August 1st, 2023]