Die Proses

Die Proses vir Individue te Ontvang stamsel en Exosome Behandeling met R3 Internasionale in Suid-Afrika


R3 Stem Cell International set up the clinics in South Africa to make regenerative procedures very cost effective, convenient and accessible for those throughout the continent. The Johannesburg and Umhlanga stem cell clinics are only thirty minutes from the international airports, where we offer VIP escort transportation.


Globally, R3’s Centers of Excellence have safely performed over twenty one thousand procedures in the past decade. We lead the world in regenerative education, expertise, safety, knowledge and outcomes. Our Centers serve South Africa with potent stem cell biologics for a fraction of the cost as the States!


“The doctors and staff took excellent care of us on every detail. Excellent people and excellent delivery of the whole experience. We felt great personal care in every aspect of our visit.” – JS


"Die kliniek en die personeel is baie professioneel. Ek het'n goeie tyd, van hulle af te haal by die lughawe til alles is voltooi. Die prosedure by die kliniek is baie eenvoudig. In'n paar uur, alles is klaar. Die dokter verduidelik die inspuitings vir my (binneaarse, in die heup, en in die rug, op my versoek) en blyk te wees passievol oor stamselle, dit was'n plesier om met hom te gesels 🙂

I can encourage you to go to this clinic.” – JB


“I just want to let you and the doctor know that my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. I cannot believe this worked as well as it did. It’s like 20 years were taken off my knees!.” -DW


Hier is die proses vir die ontvangs van stamsel en exosome terapie.


Eerste, ons nodig het om te weet wat jy belangstel. Óf voltooi die Kontak vorm HIER of skakel ons by +2731100180.


2. All prospective patients require a virtual consultation with one of our experienced doctors. It only takes about a half hour to ensure you are a candidate and to answer your treatment questions. We’ll call you to set it up, and it’s FREE.



3. Once the virtual consultation is complete and if our experienced provide determines you to be a candidate for regenerative therapy, your patient concierge representative will send you a customized quotation and schedule the procedure at your desired location.


4. Jy sal ontvang volledige instruksies oor jou komende proses. Dit sluit opsies vir verblyf, pre-proses instruksies, ens.


5. Finale betaling is as gevolg sodra die proses is geskeduleer. Ons pryse is minder as die helfte van ONS pryse vir terapie. Afhangende van jou toestand en sy erns is, sal jy ontvang op enige plek uit 20 miljoen lewende stamselle tot een miljard selle! Nie net is ons pryse REAL, die toets wat gebruik word deur ons laboratorium is MEER streng is as wat selfs die FDA vereis in die verenigde State.


6. Jy het die opsie van die ontvangs van'n bykomende 20 miljoen stamselle vir net $1000 ekstra. Dit kan gebruik word vir meer gesamentlike inspuitings, meer IV selle of'n estetiese proses. Vir diegene verkryging van vyftig miljoen of meer selle, wat ons nou insluitend 50 miljard exosomes vir gratis!


7. Your VIP Travel Representative will meet you at the airport and provide Escorted Transportation both to and from the hotel and clinic.


8. Terwyl ons bied hotel/oord opsies met spesiale tariewe en sal graag help met die bespreking van, die koste vir vervoer en verblyf is geduldig verantwoordelikheid. Die VIP Escort vervoer is ingesluit al.


9. R3 se pasiënt concierge verteenwoordigers sal opvolg met jou om te sien hoe jy doen!

Stem Cell Therapy South Africa



Stamsel Dokters Bied stamsel-Terapie deur Inspuiting en/of Binneaarse vir die helfte van die koste van die VSA!