I had treatment in TJ last week and I have to say that everyone was great. I had a hip injection and Dr. Ivan explained everything and I felt comfortable 100%. Also, when he did the injection, I didn’t feel a thing. It has only been a week, but I have to say that I am feeling great. I just walked 10k steps and I am not taking pain meds or anything. I am hoping this holds but all I can say is that for now I am feeling a big improvement. I am recommending R3 to all my friends who have issues.

Matthew Stall
I wanted to tell you that I went to R3 in Tijuana on 1/5/24 my major concern was Parkinson’s, I do not have tremors but I was diagnosed with PD because of the following: gait, freezing, speech and handwringing. After I received my stem cells (100,000,000) my speech got clearer and mobility also seen some improvement. I will use your services on a yearly basis or every 6 months what ever will help prolong my life and slow the process of the disease
Thank you for all you have done within the stem cell industry.

Rick L, Orange County CA
I went to the R3 Stem Cell clinic in Tijuana in the first week of April, 2022. I had 70 million stem cells, including 40 million intravenous, and the rest injected into my shoulder, upper cervical, TMJ, and face (for post-heretic neuralgia, not for beauty). I would like to tell you the results I have had already, approximately 2 months after the therapy.
There were no complications at all. Well, if there was some soreness afterwards, it was so little that I don’t remember.
My hare het van die diep grys te naby aan die rooi bruin dit het vier jaar gelede, met'n klein bietjie grys in die kante. 'n bonus newe-effek!
My skouer, wat was baie bevrore ses maande gelede, en veronderstel is om te chirurgie nodig as gevolg van die biceps tendon wat 50% geskeur, en ernstige bursitis onder die skapula en in die labrum, het gesond geword, en ek het die normale krag en byna normale omvang van beweging in my regterarm nou. Die fisiese terapeut het net beraam dit sal neem 1 jaar van 3X per week te kry om hierdie punt. Dit is amazing!
My upper cervicals are still unstable. There had been a severe whiplash injury many years ago, and ligaments have been stretched, maybe a couple torn, so it’s really a matter of maintaining an adaptive lifestyle. However, since the stem cells, I have been able to travel with heavy suitcases, swim in the ocean, and ride bumpy buses, all without getting headaches! this would have been impossible before- I was having severe head pain.
My face and eye: I had the shingles so bad it put me in the hospital, with blood oozing out of open sores all over my forehead’s right side and eyebrow!. I had infrared laser therapy for three weeks to grow the skin back, plus 8 sessions of Neural therapy, plus vitamin B injections, yet still, to control the neuralgia I had to take a large dose of a drug meant for epilepsy, twice a day, and several nerve supplements, but the drug had a side effect of making me feel dizzy, and weak in the legs. I have not taken that drug once since the stem cells.
I have no nerve pain, the skin now looks just like the other side of my forehead, and the numbness in my eyebrow has gone! On days when I don’t spend much time on the computer, I notice that my right eye now sees better than my left eye, WITHOUT my glasses! (this has never happened before, I was always left-eyed, since childhood). I must go get a new glasses prescription for the improved vision!
My Pancreas: I have had to take digestive enzymes with every meal for over 40 years now, because in my twenties I got an infection that shut down my pancreas’ ability to deliver enzymes to my small intestine. SO I had chronic inflammatory Bowel disease, forcing me to limit my diet and meal size rather severely.
I won’t say I can eat normally, but my bowels are definitely improving, and in another month, it should be even better, since I understand that the stem cells tend to have effects that enhance healing for 3 months or more. If only I could have gotten this treatment 40 years ago!
I believe that that the two hours I spent at R3 Stem Cell clinic gave me the capacity for this incredible amount of healing- 6 things at once, if you include my greying hair- a capacity that I wouldn’t have had at my age of 67, and so the aging process for me has gone retrograde!
Ek voel soveel beter, soos om 8 jaar jonger, terwyl die voorkoms van chirurgie geheel en al, en die herontwaking van die gevoel wat ek kan'n produktiewe persoon in die samelewing weer!
Dankie vir al jou harde werk die opstel van hierdie organisasie wat al hierdie moontlik gemaak! En'n groot gejuig-uit om die personeel by die Tijuana Kliniek!

Carl. A, VSA
Dit is 3 weke sedert Dawson ontvang stamsel-terapie (hy is 5 jaar oud).
Op die eerste Dawsen was baie knorrig vir 3 dae, dan skielik hy geslaap het vir 13 ure. Hy het nooit regtig geslaap het meer as 6-7 en geen slapies. Hy is nou slaap ten minste 9 uur per nag.
Hy gebruik om te braak 3 tot 4 keer'n week, hy het nie gebraak by almal en dit is duidelik dat hy is besig om gewig te verloor. Hy maak oogkontak nou en is regtig gelukkig. Sy potjie opleiding het verbeter en hy lyk om te verstaan sommige van die dinge wat ons vertel hom beter.
The jumping in place and hand flapping has stopped. He says “hi” and makes a lot more sounds now. He smiles a lot! The dark circles that were around his eyes are gone.
Blyk te wees baie meer bewus van die mense rondom hom.
We will keep you posted over the next 5 months if there are more changes. Angels do God’s work! We will see you again soon!

Dawsen se Ma
I had 3 applications of stem cells on my foot and it healed in no time, fabulous, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Gloria Mcleod
Ek het beide knieë gedoen en geen meer pyn. Dankie.

Angela Gee
Ek het stamsel-behandeling gedoen vir artritis op my knieë en vingers. Dit werk baie goed. Enigste ding is dit neem tyd om die resultaat te sien. Ek raai die stamsel-behandeling vir artritis.

Lily Saad
Ek het R3 stamsel-Terapie oor 10 maande gelede in my regter knie en heup. Doen nou!

John Skerp
It worked very well for me. After having a lifetime of pain from 11 car accidents, skiing accidents and being ran over by a box truck. Thank you R3 It’s not a magic wand but very close for me. Takes a little while to repair tissue but dang I feel good. Off all pain medication too.

Gemmer J
I’ve done this stem therapy, and I can tell you it works , my life has improved, I literally feel like I went back in time by 20 – 30 years , I’m off of my arthritis meds, and doing great! NOT ONE BIT SKETCHY

Hello! All I can say is WOW, Jen’s procedure is already showing tremendous results. She had her cardiologist visit today regarding her pulmonary hypertension (possible Cath procedure) and all the test came back in normal ranges.
We were both in shock and 12 hours later I am still in a daze. I asked her what her pressure readings were and she said they were at 28-29 mmHG, and today, 13 days after the cells, she is at 18 mmHG. I believe it shocked her doctor and he started asking her about it.
It has exceeded my wildest optimism. Thank you!

M. T., Texas, VSA
Ek voel klein verbeterings in my simptome. Onmiddellike verligting van pyn en die styfheid is baie beter in my nek. My bene lyk sterker as ek spilpunt en staan, my kop is duideliker, ek het meer energie, my stem bly sterker as gewoonlik.Jy het'n baie vaardige en bekwame span en ek waardeer die voordeel van al die mense daar wat gehelp het. Dankie weer

Theresa W, Lyme Siekte Pasiënt, Connecticut
I just want to let you and Dr. Ramon know that my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. I cannot believe this worked as well as it did. It’s like 20 years were taken off my knees!.

Dan W, San Francisco
Beide my skouers beide knieë, en reg hip was in konstante pyn. Ek was vertel deur my gereelde ortopediese dokter wat ek nodig het om te kry'n linker knie-vervanging en'n regte skouer vervanging...wat is die rede waarom ek het die stam sel roete. Stel asseblief Dr Ramon dat die behandeling wat hy my gegee het, gee my goeie resultate en ek is verby jou maatskappy se inligting uit na ander!

DL, Washington
Het net my skote 2 dae gelede uit die Tijuana site. Het skote op my 2 skouers, 2 knieë, en reg hip. Die enigste pyn wat ek het is van die skote, maar hulle was redelik. Dr. Ramon en sy personeel was groot, insiggewende, en professionele. Het'n paar keer om te weet Dr Ramon en ek hou van sy benadering tot die lewe–van sy toewyding aan sy familie, sy geloof om goed te doen aan almal/jou buurman, en sy deurlopende navorsing om voor te bly in sy beroep (hy is tans die skryf van'n boek oor die onderwerp sowel).

Edward L.
Dr Ramon en Abril het uitstekende sorg van ons op elke detail. Uitstekende mense en uitstekende dienslewering van die hele ervaring. Ons het'n groot persoonlike sorg in elke aspek van ons besoek.

John S, Kalifornië