Birinci sınıf kök hücre ve ekzozom tedavisi ile Türkiye'ye hizmet vermektedir.

YENİ PROMOSYON:Tedaviler > 50 milyon hücre ÜCRETSİZ 50 MİLYAR Eksozom IV alıyor!*

Birinci sınıf kök hücre ve ekzozom tedavisi ile Türkiye'ye hizmet vermektedir.

YENİ PROMOSYON:Tedaviler > 50 milyon hücre ÜCRETSİZ 50 MİLYAR Eksozom IV alıyor!*

Dr. Mehmet Karaaltin, MD

Medical Director, R3 Stem Cell TURKEY

Dr. Mehmet Karaaltin is the Medical Director of R3 Stem Cell Turkey from the beginning. Being at the forefront of regenerative therapies in Turkey, he is a pioneer in the country. His success has its roots in his unique background of expertise in Stem cell biology, surgery, and extensive clinical experience.


According to Dr. Karaaltin, “In the last years we have witnessed very important technological advances that have facilitated and perfectioned regenerative therapies. For example, R3 Stem Cell has implemented over 25 customized regenerative protocols for patients dealing with over 50 conditions!”



Main Achievements and Scientific Breakthrough of Prof. Dr. Karaaltin

In the Words of Dr. Karaaltin

When I think about it, helping people is the best reason to get up every morning. Of course, we all do this in our own way. But medicine can be extremely helpful, depending on the case, it can truly transform your life.


The words of thank you and the satisfaction of patients is something I cannot compare to anything else. That is surely the best part of my job. The worst part… (takes a long pause). I cannot think of anything to answer that right now, but it’s a lot of work. Sometimes taking a week off is a matter of life or death. But I don’t do breaks much. When you are passionate about what you do, it’s not really working. And then, when I stop working, I am impatient to get back at it (laughs). Am I a workaholic? Maybe, but I’m happy this way.

Kök Hücre Tedavisi ile Tedavi için Randevu Alın!

R3 International ile Türkiye için Kök Hücre Tedavisi Endikasyonları

Kas-iskelet sistemi

"Klinik ve Personel Çok Profesyonel. Onların San Diego'ya gelişlerinden Tijuana'daki Otelime kadar harika zaman Geçirdim. Klinikteki Prosedür Oldukça Basittir. Birkaç saat içinde her şey Bitti. Doktor Enjeksiyonları Bana Açıkladı (Damardan, Kalçadan ve Arkadan, İsteğim Üzerine) Ve Kök Hücreler Konusunda Tutkulu Görünüyor, Onunla Sohbet Etmek Bir Zevkti 🙂

Sizi bu Kliniğe Gitmeye Teşvik Edebilirim.”

Julien B, Canada

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