Stem Cell Therapy Oakton VA | Stem Cell Treatments
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Stem Cell Treatments

Regenerative Therapy with Stem Cells,
Growth Factors and Platelets


Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapies for musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, ligament injury, tendonitis,  and cartilage injury are now a reality. The most contemporary treatments utilize amniotic fluid and/or umbilical cord tissue harvested from a consenting donor. With the newest treatments, the ethical concerns over fetal involvement have been eliminated.


Stem cells maintain the possibility of turning into many needed cell lines such as muscle, tendon, cartilage, skin, bone and more. All of the stem cell therapies provided at R3’s Centers of excellence either contain regenerative cells directly, or activate the body’s own stem cells for repair and regeneration of the damaged tissue.


Currently, there are several types of regenerative therapies available through R3 Stem Cell to assist with tendonitis,  hip and knee arthritis, ligament or cartilage injury.


For more information on each of the various stem cell procedures offered in Austin metro, simply click on any of the following:


  1. Platelet Rich Plasma TherapyStem Cell Clinic
  2. Umbilical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Procedures
  3. Amniotic Stem Cell Procedures




Request a FREE Consultation to see if you are a candidate for Stem Cell Therapy!