Stem Cell Therapy Oakton VA | Regenerative Care Clinics of Illinois
Offering individualized stem cell and PRP therapy for patients throughout Chicagoland. Hip, knee, shoulder pain, back and neck issues along with neuropathy and IV treatments.
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About R3 Stem Cell Centers


Stem Cell Injections ArizonaR3 Stem Cell offers regenerative therapies at over thirty five Centers, including Oakton in Northern Virginia, with procedures that bring patients hope along with relief. Hope that possibly risky surgery can be avoided, and regeneration/repair of damaged body tissue can occur non surgically.  Patients may then be able to participate in desired activities again such as hiking, tennis, biking, golf, basketball, football and playing with kids/grandkids/pets again.


R3 Stem Cell partners with the top regenerative practices in the US to offer stem cell and PRP therapies to those desiring the best treatment by expert, compassionate, knowledgeable providers. R3 Stem Cell offers the top stem cell therapy providers in Northern Virginia with Dr. David Allingham. R3 is proud to help patients receive regenerative therapies  with the latest protocols for maximum effectiveness.


Traditional pain therapies have been very good at reducing pain by masking discomfort in a “band aid” fashion with medications like narcotics,  cortisone or NSAIDs. These conventional treatments unfortunately do not fix the underlying problem.


Repairing Tissue Injury


So how is the condition actually repaired, whether it’s hip/knee/shoulder/ankle arthritis, back or neck pain, tennis or golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis or a ligament injury?


Regenerative Medicine offers the possibility of facilitating a healing response in one’s own body with exosomes, secretomes stem cells, growth factors and mRNA. Stem Cells are like a blank slate, and may differentiate into any number of specialty cell types needed for tissue regeneration. This is in mostly dependent on the body environment in which they are placed and also relies on distant signals being received such as from the brain, pituitary and thyroid glands.


Northern Virginia Stem Cell Procedures


Stem cell injection treatments include:


Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Research


These are all minimally invasive, same day, low risk, outpatient procedures.


Studies are showing these stem cell therapies to offer substantial outcomes in healing injury while reducing pain. For example, all US professional sports leagues have approved of PRP therapy along with the World Anti-Doping Association.


Pro athletes who have received regenerative medicine treatment include the likes of Rafael Nadal, Dwight Howard, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Bartolo Colon and many more. There are now thousands of professional and amateur athletes benefiting from regenerative procedures.


All of the treatments are performed by highly experienced providers.













From my early days in college and medical school, I’ve wanted to help people feel better. I particularly enjoy the journey of meeting with a patient for the first time, then seeing them improve their health by dissipating their pain or illnesses with first rate regenerative stem cell therapies. I treat patients as a friend and I hope that they consider me more than just their physician.

MD: Eastern Virginia Medical School of The Medical College of Hampton Roads, Ghent, VA
Residency: Pediatrics, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC
Certified: Advanced Cardiac Life Support & Pediatric Advanced Life Support 
Member: Medical Society of Virginia, International Pelvic Pain Society
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Patients describe him as knowledgeable, compassionate and thoughtful! Dr. Allingham spends all the time necessary with patients to answer questions and make them feel comfortable.













If you would like to receive stem cell therapy with the top Northern VA
center, CONTACT US or call (844) GET-STEM