The top-notch sports medicine doctors at Orthopedic and Sports Performance Institute are now offering platelet rich plasma therapy. While not a direct stem cell therapy, the material is amazing at healing injury and calling in your body’s own stem cells to help. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.
What is platelet rich plasma therapy?
The treatment, known as PRP therapy for short, involves the injection of blood that has a concentration of platelets significantly higher than the normal baseline concentration. The way this is accomplished involves a simple blood draw from the individual’s arm. Subsequently that blood is placed into a centrifuge machine, which spins it rapidly for 10 to 15 minutes.
That process concentrates the platelets and growth factors. The fluid is separated into three layers, and the middle layer is then used for injecting into the problem area.
How long has PRP therapy been around?
Platelet rich plasma therapy has been in use for decades in many medical specialties including ophthalmology, urology, cardiovascular, wound healing and more. Recently, it has shown significant effectiveness in musculoskeletal disorders including arthritis, sports injuries and tendon/ligament inflammation and tears.
Are there different types of PRP therapy?
The answer is yes, however, it is not known which type is better. There are systems that minimize the amount of red blood cells or white blood cells. However, we just don’t know what those different concoctions means clinically. We do know that PRP therapy is definitely beneficial.
For what conditions is PRP therapy indicated?
There are now over a dozen high-level research studies showing the benefits of PRP therapy for degenerative arthritis, elbow and achilles tendinitis, rotator cuff tendinitis, knee tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and ligament injuries such as in the knee.
What are the outcomes been with PRP therapy?
Thankfully, there have been quite a few research studies over the last five years looking at the outcomes. They have been amazing for all types of injuries such as arthritis and soft tissue inflammation and tears. Often times, athletes are able to avoid surgery and get back on the field quickly.
Is it a risky procedure?
The answer is no. It uses your own blood and immediately processes it for injection into the injured area. The injection occurs under sterile technique. There is often significant discomfort for the first two days after the procedure, but typically it settles down after that.
The bottom line is that platelet rich plasma therapy has been immensely effective as a non-operative method of pain relief and increasing function in patients.
Call today for your complimentary consultation with the top board-certified orthopedic doctors in the East Valley!