Stem Cell Therapy Boca Raton FL | Stem Cell Therapy
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Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy in Boca Raton Florida

With joint arthritis affecting close to 30 million Americans, it represents one of the top causes of pain and disability every year. When you add in those suffering from neurodegenerative and autoimmune conditions, organ failure and neuropathy the total balloons to well over 100 million individuals!


Did you know that over half of the current knee replacement patients are under the age of sixty five and are still working? Therefore, helping those individuals avoid the need for knee replacement and eliminating the time off from work will produce billions in savings annually when regenerative procedures are used. 


The same holds true for shoulder, ankle, hip, elbow and wrist arthritis. Surgery for arthritis is a qualify of life, elective decision and should only be decided on after considerable conservative treatment has been exhausted. This includes regenerative therapy!


When it comes to systemic conditions, there may not even be a surgical option available. Therefore, having effective regenerative procedures available can dramatically improve one’s quality of life. Staying off of dialysis or oxygen can make all the difference for patients suffering from kidney failure or COPD. Regaining balance and relieving pain is amazing for those suffering from neuropathy. None of the existing conventional therapies for neuropathy do anything for the condition other than mask pain.


R3 Stem Cell’s Centers offer stem cell treatment for bone and joint conditions along with systemic disease using stem cell material obtained from consenting donors after a scheduled c-section through an FDA regulated process. There are no ethical issues since no babies are harmed and no embryonic stem cells are used.


Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy


Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord tissue contains a significant amount of regenerative cells such as cytokines, stem cells,  growth factors, exosomes, secretomes, mRNA and more. A great analogy is to call it an “orchestra” since it contains so many different types of regenerative medicine elements that come together to produce an excellent repair process.


Known as the products of conception, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord is acquired from consenting donors after a scheduled c-section. No babies are harmed. Once processing is complete, the material is cryogenically preserved. The lab that R3 works with does NOT radiate the product and uses very little preservative. Therefore cell viability is maximized.


The FDA regulates the process of amniotic/umbical cord acquisition, processing, storage and usage very strictly. This is regulated as a biologic, not a drug, so FDA approval is not possible – only regulation.


Benefits of amniotic and umbilical cord tissue include


  • No rejection as DNA antigens are all removed.
  • Consistent amounts of regenerative cells compared with bone marrow or adipose which varies dramatically.
  • Very high cell counts!
  • Virtually painless procedure as no harvest is necessary from the patient.
  • No steroid material.
  • Fast procedure – takes approximately 30 minutes
  • No down time.
  • Outcome studies show over 80% effectiveness on average.




When it comes to arthritis and soft tissue conditions, outcomes are excellent for over 85% of individuals. These results are very good for even “bone on bone” arthritis. Patients are typically able to significantly delay or avoid the need for a joint replacement with these therapies. 


With systemic conditions and organ failure, studies have been showing that over 65% of individuals achieve an excellent outcome. This may involve helping patients breathe better, walk farther, reduce the need for medications and oxygen or possibly avoid dialysis.


What are the risks?


The risks of these treatments are absolutely minimal. We have not seen any rejection reaction as the DNA antigen factors have been removed. Over 10,000 cases have been performed by R3’s Centers over the past 6 years successfully.


There is a typical risk of infection, bleeding, allergic reaction. These are seen in much less than 1% of patients.


PRP Therapy


PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy and involves a simple blood draw from the patient. This will range from 20cc’s to 60cc’s, which is considerably less than a pint of blood.


This blood is then placed in a kit that goes into a machine called a centrifuge, which spins rapidly for 12 minutes. This separates the blood into three layers, with the middle layer being known as the “buffy coat”. That’s what is used in PRP and contains the following regenerative materials:


  • Concentrated Platelets
  • A dozen growth factors
  • White Blood Cells


PRP contains minimal stem cells, but does act to call in one’s body’s stem cells to assist with repair and regeneration. Not only can PRP therapy help by itself to assist with joint and soft tissue repair, it also can act as a “jump start” when used in conjunction with amniotic and umbilical tissue.


White blood cells create inflammation, which is the first phase of healing. The bottom line with PRP is that it may be very effective when used either by itself or in conjunction with amniotic/umbilical treatment.



There have been several studies showing the effectiveness of PRP therapy for joint and soft tissue pain. The therapy works very well for:

  • Joint Arthritis
  • Acute or Chronic Tendonitis
    • Rotator Cuff
    • Achilles
    • Elbow
    • Knee
  • Sports Injuries
  • Wound Healing


Since the treatment originates from one’s own blood, the risks are minimal to the patient.


If you or a loved one is suffering from joint and/or soft tissue pain or a systemic conditions and you would like a free consultation to discuss regenerative options, call us at (844) GET-STEM today!