Stem Cell Therapy Boca Raton FL | FAQs
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why receive treatment at R3 for joint pain or your systemic condition?

R3 Stem Cell’s mission is to provide the most effective regenerative therapies with expert doctors in the most minimally invasive method achievable. When it comes to joint pain or tendonitis, the regenerative therapies assist individuals with chronic pain who are trying to obtain long term relief while avoiding surgery. With organ failure, autoimmune conditions or neurodegenerative conditions, there may not be any surgical options even available, so stem cell therapies have been an excellent option.


R3 only works with top doctors and practices who specialize in the most modern regenerative procedures available for pain and degenerative conditions. R3 Stem Cell’s providers have successfully performed over ten thousand procedures around the US, and focuses on nonoperative relief for individuals. Not only do R3’s Centers have first rate providers, the staff treats each patient with compassion and respect. Regenerative therapies for many conditions have demonstrated excellent outcomes to date!

How is the Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Material Obtained?

The amniotic and umbilical cord material is obtained from consenting donors after a scheduled C-section. No babies are harmed and no embryonic stem cells are used. The material is acquired in a sterile, approved fashion and then processed at an FDA registered/certified facility.


For amniotic fluid and umbilical cord tissue, it is cryogenically frozen once processing is complete which preserves cell viability. It is kept frozen at -80 degrees Celsius until it is needed for a procedure. Shipping occurs on dry ice to keep the material frozen.


Per FDA classification as a biologic, the products are minimally manipulated. The material is rich with multiple extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors, cytokines, exosomes, stem cells and other specialty proteins.

Is the amniotic and umbilical cord material FDA approved?

The amniotic and umbilical cord materials are FDA regulated as a biologic, NOT FDA approved. They are classified as biologics and regulated as such under the FDA CFR Part 1271. Drugs are FDA approved/denied, however, biologics are simply regulated very strictly.


The donor history is evaluated, then the material is checked for all types of diseases according to the FDA regulations. To date there have been no adverse events reported by any of the R3 Centers with over 10,000 cases to date.

What types of musculoskeletal pain is treated?

Multicare has experts in treating extremities with arthritis and/or soft tissue injury (e.g. tendonitis) and is at the leading edge of modern technologies. All types of arthritis pain are treated including osteoarthritis, psoriatic, rheumatoid, lupus and more. No matter what is causing your joint pain, we can typically help you!

What are the risks of treatment?

Risks of treatment with the regenerative therapies are extremely low. However, there is a risk of an adverse reaction to any anesthesia used and possibly infection, nerve injury, bleeding, etc. The amniotic and umbilical cord material is immunologically privileged, so it rarely if ever causes a rejection reaction.

Where is the treatment center?

Boca Raton Florida Location

R3 Stem Cell @ Citrin Medical

6699 North Federal Hwy
Suite 200
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
What are the outcomes?

Outcomes with regenerative therapies for arthritis pain to date have shown amazing outcomes. Studies have included hundreds of participants and have showed 85% overall good to excellent outcomes for joint pain relief. There are also thousands of small studies for additional conditions such as post-stroke, autism, heart/kidney failure, COPD, erectile dysfunction, neuropathy and more.


R3 Stem Cell offers an IRB approved protocol for treatment and is constantly accumulating data to further knowledge regarding outcomes!

How much does treatment cost?

Regenerative therapies for joint pain are offered on a self pay basis. We don’t publish our treatment rates online. Please call us to scheduled a free consultation to discuss your options at (844) GET-STEM.