Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy in Santa Barbara CA

Amniotic stem cell therapy has been proven to be effective in treating various maladies and conditions, including degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis along with sports injuries, tendonitis and ligament injuries. These  conditions may be rippling and painful, and they can greatly inhibit stem cellsone’s ability to perform daily tasks and enjoy life. For years, these conditions were treated with injection therapy that included cortisone and steroid shots. But injection therapy at Purety Medical utilizing amniotic stem cells has proven to be more effective and less risky than these other types.

Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy Basics

The use of drugs such as cortisone can reduce painful inflammation. That is the primary benefit this type of treatment. Amniotic stem cell therapy offers many benefits. Along with decreasing inflammation and pain in the joints of those with degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis, it also can replace damaged cells and make joints and tendons move more easily. The latter benefit is due to the fact that stem cell injections contain hyaluronic acid, which is a lubricant.

The Process

Stem cell therapy utilizes cells that are harvested from amniotic fluid derived from a consenting mother who has given birth via a cesarean section. These stem cells, which are exceptionally versatile due to their ability to differentiate in various ways, are injected into the affected joints or soft tissue. The treatment, which is done on an outpatient basis and takes less than an hour, is exceptionally low-risk and patient rejection is very rare due to the fact that these cells are not recognized by a patient’s immune system. They are immunologically privileged. Thus, when they are injected into the damaged site they are able to function uninhibited and in an active and positive manner, repairing the area.

canstockphoto5757027-300x225Many Positive Results

The positive results of amniotic stem cell therapy for degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis are numerous. First, unlike drug injection therapies, the results tend to be ongoing, with progressive improvement being common. The growth factor, which is an inherent aspect of amniotic stem cells, allows for the regeneration of tissue and cartilage. That means that degenerated tissue and cartilage are restored through this therapy. This type of therapy has been used hundreds of thousands of times with no ill effects.

Additionally, amniotic fluid is the preferred source of stem cells over embryonic stem cells and the patient’s own stem cells, which are derived from bone marrow or fat cells. This is due to the fact that amniotic fluid is a highly concentrated source for such cells. Finally, amniotic stem cells contain no steroids. The anti-inflammatory agents in these injections are natural and include cytokines.

Relief is Possible

Thousands of sufferers have found that amniotic stem cell therapy for degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis not only provides the relief that they seek, but that it also allows them to begin to improve their condition due to the regenerative powers of such therapy. Stem cells offers a viable and preferred treatment over less effective therapies, such as cortisone injections, which offer limited and temporary relief.


Purety Medical Clinic is the top stem cell clinic in Santa Barbara, with patients being seen from a broad area due to the expertise of the providers.

Call today for your stem cell therapy consultation!