Amniotic Derived Stem Cell Treatment for Pain Relief and Avoiding Surgery


Amniotic stem cell therapy has been one of the most amazing advancements of the 21st century in medicine. Why?


There are actually five reasons why amniotic derived stem cell treatment is a humongous step forward. Stem Cell Therapy Salt Lake City


1. The first is that the fluid is immunologically privileged. This means a rejection reaction by one’s body is not seen. People who are concerned about receiving someone else’s fluid should be relieved at the lack of any rejection reaction.


2. The second reason is the fluid is processed at an FDA regulated lab. It goes through significant disease testing along with processing so that it is remarkably safe. Once the processing is complete, the amniotic fluid is cryogenically frozen until ready for use.


3. The amniotic fluid contains a great concentration of stem cells, which helps dramatically with repair and regeneration of damaged cartilage, tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone.


4. In addition, the fluid is rich with hyaluronic acid, which is the component of Synvisc and other Viscosupplementation injections. There are a large amount of growth factors in the fluid, and it is also antimicrobial to help prevent infection.


5. With the ethical issues from the past concerning embryonic stem cells and aborted fetuses, it is crucial to understand none of those are issues with amniotic stem cells.


Stem Cells Salt Lake CityThe fluid is harvested from consenting donors who are undergoing a scheduled C-section. Normally, the placenta is discarded after the birth. The donor is compensated and the fluid is taken away by certified technicians and handled in a sterile fashion.



The fluid is injected similarly to any other joint or soft tissue injection. Sterile technique is used. The beauty of using amniotic stem cell therapy is that results include pain relief and tissue regeneration, and no harvest from one’s iliac crest (hip bone) is necessary.


Amniotic fluid has been used tens of thousands of times nationwide for treating osteoarthritis, sports injuries, overuse injuries, tendonitis, ligament canstockphoto4161594injuries, and more. The treatment provides pain relief and helps patients avoid surgery the vast majority of the time.


Pain relief with amniotic stem cell injections has been shown to be incredible in small studies. This is for both bone, joint and soft tissue injuries.


East West Health offers amniotic stem cell therapy to patients because it is safe, cutting edge, natural and effective. There are 4 stem cell clinics in Salt Lake City, Ogden, St. George and New West Valley.


Call today for treatment with the top regenerative medicine practice in the Salt Lake City area – East West Health at (844) GET-STEM today!