
About Stem Cell and Exosome Therapy in Manila Philippines at R3 International

R3 Stem Cell International offers Manila Philippines first rate Stem Cell and Exosome procedures. For individuals suffering from difficult medical issues who want the Mercedes of regenerative therapy for the price of a Ford. After nine years of being the USA leader of regenerative therapies with over 16,000 stem cell and exosome procedures performed, R3 Stem Cell is now offering an international program in the Philippines which has tremendous benefits for you with an investment less than half the cost in the US!


“Dr Ramon and Abril took excellent care of us on every detail. Excellent people and excellent delivery of the whole experience. We felt great personal care in every aspect of our visit.” John S.



“I just want to let you and Dr. Ramon know that my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. I cannot believe this worked as well as it did. It’s like 20 years were taken off my knees!.” Dan W.


How did R3 do it? Well, it wasn’t easy.







Patient safety is paramount at R3 International. We only use biologics processed at accredited labs meeting or exceeding FDA QA standards. R3 has had NO significant adverse events since inception nine years ago, and strives to ensure that patients experience those standards at all R3 Centers worldwide, including in the Philippines. 













In the USA, regenerative biologics at R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence are extremely high quality and comply with FDA requirements. However, internationally, the biologics have a different set of requirements. What does that mean?


In the Philippines, the same process occurs for the donation of the birth tissue. It comes from consenting donors after a scheduled c-section in an ethical process where no harm occurs to either baby or mother. The donor material includes the placenta, umbilical cord tissue, amniotic fluid, and Wharton’s Jelly which is normally considered medical waste. The medical director at the lab performs an extensive screening process on both the donor and the tissue to make sure it is free of communicable disease.











Once the birth tissue arrives at the accredited lab, there is a difference in tissue processing than what can be performed in the United States. The biologic is allowed to be cultured, which means the number of stem cells can be exponentially expanded. R3’s lab makes sure the culture process takes place in a clean room environment using cGMP and results in exponentially higher stem cells, cytokines, growth factor, secretomes and exosome counts than what can be achieved in the USA. In addition, the lab performs karyotyping to check for mutations along with an extensive amount of communicable disease testing with a list that is longer than the FDA requires!




The resulting biologics that are used by R3 International contain a minimum of twenty million live stem cells, and our treatment programs for patients go up to One Billion stem cells depending the person’s condition and severity. 


The stem cells are pure, active and potent, with administration occurring by either intravenous, intrathecal, nebulizer, injection, intramuscular or intra-lymphatic. Our lab doesn’t go past the 5th generation with culturing to make sure the stem cells are highly functional. With its significant purchasing power, R3 International has been able to make these effective regenerative therapies available in Manila Philippines for less than half what it cost in the USA!


Investing in your health and those of loved ones is truly one of the best investments you’ll ever make.




R3 Stem Cell International provides these safe, effective procedures with first rate providers who have considerable experience with regenerative therapies. A virtual consultation is provided to help ensure you will be comfortable with the provider. and also an appropriate candidate for the therapy. We can review medical records and discuss previous treatments.


The R3 Stem Cell International doctors are leaders in Regenerative Therapies and have been performing first rate regenerative medicine successfully for years.


Stem Cell Therapy Philippines 

  • Cardiac Conditions
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Diabetes
  • Lyme DiseaseCanada stem cell therapy
  • Liver Failure
  • Cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Neurologic Disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, MS, ALS)
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Back Pain
  • Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
  • Autism
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Post Stroke
  • Lupus
  • Scleroderma
  • Migraines
  • Kidney Failure
  • Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Ankle, Elbow Arthritis
  • Sports Injuries
  • Overuse Injuries, Tendonitis, Ligament Injuries
  • Diabetes and Diabetic Ulcers
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Degenerative and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • COPD
  • Post Covid










Call R3 Stem Cell International Today for a Virtual Consultation. Only so many slots are available for treatment, don’t wait!


Stem Cell Doctors in the Philippines providing Stem Cell Therapy by Injection, IV, Nebulizer, Intrathecal, Intranasal,& Intra-lymphatic.


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